In Response to Re: Linger longer : Fallen asleep on the keyboard? We've reached the final table in each of the first three events.Solack and DiggerMan are in the last three of the Totty. Posted by MereNovice
In Response to Re: Linger longer: mneindbspurshjsengfirstmoluhbskgoalmmnigdarealinygfrhowlerhn siytgoodbnysrbegamenbbdyopthoughmsnjuhgregnklwne LOL Posted by IAMALLIN2
Many congrats Digger, & thoroughly derserved. Unless you are already in it (confirm, please) you in a seat in the Santas Sack Tourney. Technically, I think you win TWO - can you confirm that please, Vince? (he won the TOTTY, too). If so, the "second" SST Seat goes on countback to me - but I already won one, so it goes down again to TommyD, I asume. Vince to confirm all that, if so, I'll sort it. Posted by tikay1
I concur. Neither DiggerMan or TommyD are currently registered for Santa's sack.
Surely, I should be TOP? 65 is better than 69......
gfjfjfx xgdsgchddfvmggrrrrrdaibootisaxxxxthfmj,hcch
We've reached the final table in each of the first three events.
Solack and DiggerMan are in the last three of the Totty.
Gl all and congrats to the eventual winner.
Clutching at straws....
Well done DIGSY!!!!
Cheers Vince
Good Game Good Game.
Night one and all
I've had a most enjoyable evening so far, apart from the ME which we won't talk about!
Have I actually managed to win one of these last-longer thingys? Have I?
The whole thing though, win or lose, is great fun!
mneindbspurshjsengfirstmoluhbskgoalmmnigdarealinygfrhowlerhn siytgoodbnysrbegamenbbdyopthoughmsnjuhgregnklwne LOL
Posted by IAMALLIN2
Many congrats Digger, & thoroughly derserved.
Unless you are already in it (confirm, please) you in a seat in the Santas Sack Tourney.
Technically, I think you win TWO - can you confirm that please, Vince? (he won the TOTTY, too).
If so, the "second" SST Seat goes on countback to me - but I already won one, so it goes down again to TommyD, I asume.
Vince to confirm all that, if so, I'll sort it.
Neither DiggerMan or TommyD are currently registered for Santa's sack.