Was playing earlier in the 11-00 fee free bounty hunter.
I had had some chats and banter on the way but nothing could prepare me for the final table.
When we got down to the final 4, all of us were chatting and complimenting eachother in the chatbox and it made for an absolutely enjoyable time. This is the true essence of what poker is about in a £5 entry tourny. I must add that it did include people who were knocked out staying around to rail the survivors.I have never before and probably never will enjoy a final table as much.
So would just like to say a big up to my fellow competitors.
and silver8ack for railing as well.
Would gladly sit on a table with any of you guys in the future and would even enjoy crashing out to any of you fine players/people.
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Nice Post, Colin, & well done.
nice win talon congrats !
yea the players you mentioned that i know are great for banter. I would have stayed and railed too but wanted to go and grind.
It has a good structure and can be played both tight or loose depending on your desires. Also with the added bonus of the fact that this tourny cost SKY money to put on. With no fee they did not get their cut and with it failing to reach the guaruntee they ended up having to pay to host it.If we want to keep a selection of these tournies going then all we need to do is make up the numbers.So join in and make sure you keep it fun.
how can it be best when im not there!!! not impressed