Say for example the board reads K,J,6,6,2 .. The hand goes to showdown and playerA holds 7,3 and says "1 pair" as in a pair of 6's. His actual hole cards haven't hit so if it was me I would say "7 high".
To me this seems like a type of angle shooting, trying to get an edge in hope that PlayerB with ace high will fold when he hears his oppo has a pair.
I know that the guys hand is infact 1 pair so he isn't cheating, but I find 90% of the time when people say something like that they keep their cards face down and don't show their hole cards until playerB has announced/mucked his hand.
Would be good to know your thoughts on this Tikay as well if you see it.
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But not against the rules.
Obviously i would always want to see the guy's cards before mucking my own hand
The thing i usually ask players in an instanace above is declare your high card that way we can get it sorted quicker.
I remember an instatnce a while ago
Player a had QQ
player be had 67
Flop came AKK turn and A
It got checked down and player A said i have queens.
I later had to explain to the player he had Kings and Aces as he woundered why i said Q high wins lol.
Heres some bad etiquette, I was in a live game, there was a big pot that had gotten hu, that I wasnt in, the person to my right had made a big bet. I was trashed and thought it would be funny to announce all in. Guy to my left instacalls. I have to sheepishly announce that I actually didnt have any cards.
Didnt go down too well that one.