Afternoon all. What great fun that was last night!
Thanks to who all joined in the spirit of the thing, well done to those who ran well, & big thanks to Mere for his hours & hours of selfless work on the Thread.
After a bit of a bruising beat in the Main, which would have put me Top Ten if it had "held", (My A-K v A-Q) I had to really buckle down & grind it out, & it was so much fun, uphill & into the wind, so to speak. Nothing beats being up against it, so I was pretty pleased to end up 5th eventually.
The 4 who bested me were sara, pryce6, Solly, & Nutter5932......
Nick Pryce gets a Santas Sack entry automatically for winning the TSP Classic, & Nutter already has a SST Seat, so countback is invoked.
So, by my reckoning, hursty & dunni18 both get a "Santas Sack" Tourney entry via countback, & sara & Solly both get one by right.
I plan to disqualify Solly at some stage, once I've thought of a good reason. He mugged me on the Hi-Lo Tables last night when he made a shocking call with the under-house. What did he think I had, total air?
All agreed?
Job's a good 'un, then, & I'll organise the Seats this afternoon.
Once again, thanks to all who sailed in her - it was tremendous fun.
Several Posters suggested that Mere really should be given a Santas Sack Entry for all his work during these evenings. (I'd prefer we give him "The Sack"), & this has now been sorted by the Suits. He still refused to accept it, being old, crusty & obdurate, but it transpired that he'd busted Sky Santa on an Omaha Table last week, so he gets no choice - he is in.
I need to be in the "new" Studio shortly, for Technical Rehearsals, & to help out as an on-screen stooge while they mess with camera positions, lighting, & all that sort of stuff. Mother is in charge, God help us. Blandy is going to be the pretend Presenter for this afternoon, too. Watch out Orford. (They both dress equally badly).
I may swerve tonight, as I'm a little tired, shall we say, & I have to head home to frozen Derbyshire in the morning so gotta get up early, & so I'll be offline until at least mid-afternoon Friday.
I'm PTP on Friday (yes, I remembered it this week....), so we'll have some sort of Fun comp on Friday evening a'la last night.
If I can get my head round how to do it fairly, & can get Mere to do the spreadsheet & updating work.....I'd like to do it like last night but change the parameters to include some lower buy-ins.
Maybe include a couple of £2.20 &/or £5.50 Deepies, as well as the 8pm Main (Rebuy), 8.30 TOTTY (Rebuy) & 10pm TSP Classic. We could call it the Linger-Deeper or somesuch, & make it "any 2 or 3 from 5 or 6" or whatever. It would be neat if we could be more embracing towards all buy-in Levels.
Whether I dare stick my neck out again as I did last night as to unlimited Santa Sack Entries is another matter - that could have gone so badly wrong if I'd finished, like, 15th or something, or even, dare I say, where LML did.....
Several Posters suggested that Mere really should be given a Santas Sack Entry for all his work during these evenings. (I'd prefer we give him "The Sack"), & this has now been sorted by the Suits. He still refused to accept it, being old, crusty & obdurate, but it transpired that he'd busted Sky Santa on an Omaha Table last week, so he gets no choice - he is in. Posted by Tikay10
How about Linger, Laster, Longerer?, good luck with the studio Posted by acebarry10
Well it needs to reflect the difference between our "usual" L-L's, & if we include the £2.20 &/or £5.50 Deepies, it needs to signal that.
Anyway, planning is well advanced now, we are just trying to work out a fair way to do it. You know how it is, no matter how well-intended it is, if I get it wrong & it discriminates against anyone, there'll be all sorts of hoohah.
In Response to Re: Featured Four Fun Comp tonight. Santa's Sack tourney seats on offer. : Well it needs to reflect the difference between our "usual" L-L's, & if we include the £2.20 &/or £5.50 Deepies, it needs to signal that. Anyway, planning is well advanced now, we are just trying to work out a fair way to do it. You know how it is, no matter how well-intended it is, if I get it wrong & it discriminates against anyone, there'll be all sorts of hoohah. Anyway, we'll do it somehow. Posted by Tikay10
Hiya Tikay have been directed here by Kiwini4u as i have a thread " Could we have a Monday night last longer for £2-20 & £2-30 buy-in" appologies as i didn't know you were planning one for Friday maybe you could use some of the tourneys mentioned in my thread amyway i will keep an eye out on this thread for Friday Michael
It will feature six tournaments with the best three results from the six events contributing to each person's score. The scoring will be a little different to recent "linger longer" competitions. The score in each event will be based on the percentage of the field that you beat - this will take account of the differences in field sizes.
For example, if there are 100 players in a tournament and you finish 20th, you will score 80 points. If there are 200 players in a tournament and you finish 20th you will score 90 points. It will make the scoring a little more difficult to understand for some people but I will answer any questions that people have.
The competition will definitely feature the following tournaments:
For this to work well, the last three tournaments will need to have decent fields. I will monitor the equivalent tournaments tonight. However, if anyone has alternative suggestions for well structured and cheap tournaments with a decent sized field that run on a Friday evening, please let me know.
I hope that everyone can agree that there is something for everyone there. A real chance for lower stakes players to pit their wits and poker skills against the "big boys".
Afternoon all. What great fun that was last night! Thanks to who all joined in the spirit of the thing, well done to those who ran well, & big thanks to Mere for his hours & hours of selfless work on the Thread. After a bit of a bruising beat in the Main, which would have put me Top Ten if it had "held", (My A-K v A-Q) I had to really buckle down & grind it out, & it was so much fun, uphill & into the wind, so to speak. Nothing beats being up against it, so I was pretty pleased to end up 5th eventually. The 4 who bested me were sara, pryce6, Solly, & Nutter5932...... Nick Pryce gets a Santas Sack entry automatically for winning the TSP Classic, & Nutter already has a SST Seat, so countback is invoked. So, by my reckoning, hursty & dunni18 both get a "Santas Sack" Tourney entry via countback, & sara & Solly both get one by right. I plan to disqualify Solly at some stage, once I've thought of a good reason. He mugged me on the Hi-Lo Tables last night when he made a shocking call with the under-house. What did he think I had, total air? sara36dd08 19 295 2 14 35 pryce6 38 46 10 1 49 SoLack 6 41 18 145 65 Nutter5932 17 44 10 71 tikay1 17 119 13 46 76 hurst05 21 56 81 2 79 dunni18 39 19 38 96 All agreed? Job's a good 'un, then, & I'll organise the Seats this afternoon. Once again, thanks to all who sailed in her - it was tremendous fun. Posted by Tikay10
Thanks tikay thought i had just missed out on a seat last night , had great fun really enjoyable and thanks to merenovice for his hard work.
Excellent idea - the 9.15 DS on Friday tends to attract up to 100 players based on past weeks - you may want to add a small % on to tonight's fields as an indicator, as I would imagine more people play on a Friday than a Thursday (but I may be wrong - perhaps more people leave the house on Friday nights - I wouldn't know) ;-)
Sounds like a good comp Mere! Sadly I can't play as I have plans for tomorrow night, but hope that you guys run it next week! Posted by scotty77
Thanks. I've deliberately made the scoring as tricky as possible so that I can fix any result. Satisfaction guaranteed for a fiver, know what I mean, nudge nudge, wink wink.
Excellent idea - the 9.15 DS on Friday tends to attract up to 100 players based on past weeks - you may want to add a small % on to tonight's fields as an indicator, as I would imagine more people play on a Friday than a Thursday (but I may be wrong - perhaps more people leave the house on Friday nights - I wouldn't know) ;-) Posted by darich
As I will not be online until mid-afternoon at best on Friday, please just"go with it", & start the Thread.
Prizes? Yes, of course. I would expect a MUCH bigger field tomorrow - especially if you all tell your mates - so I'm a bit nervous about offering Santas Sack Tourney entries to everyone who does better than me.
But it's Christmas, so let's do it.
Prizes wll be awarded exactly as they were last night. Everyone who beats me in the Last-Longer table wins a Santas Sack Tourney Entry.
There will be SIX Tourneys, & I shall play all six, to give myself the best possible chance. You only have to play three MINMUM if you so wish.
Afternoon all. What great fun that was last night!
Thanks to who all joined in the spirit of the thing, well done to those who ran well, & big thanks to Mere for his hours & hours of selfless work on the Thread.
After a bit of a bruising beat in the Main, which would have put me Top Ten if it had "held", (My A-K v A-Q) I had to really buckle down & grind it out, & it was so much fun, uphill & into the wind, so to speak. Nothing beats being up against it, so I was pretty pleased to end up 5th eventually.
The 4 who bested me were sara, pryce6, Solly, & Nutter5932......
Nick Pryce gets a Santas Sack entry automatically for winning the TSP Classic, & Nutter already has a SST Seat, so countback is invoked.
So, by my reckoning, hursty & dunni18 both get a "Santas Sack" Tourney entry via countback, & sara & Solly both get one by right.
I plan to disqualify Solly at some stage, once I've thought of a good reason. He mugged me on the Hi-Lo Tables last night when he made a shocking call with the under-house. What did he think I had, total air?
All agreed?
Job's a good 'un, then, & I'll organise the Seats this afternoon.
Once again, thanks to all who sailed in her - it was tremendous fun.
Several Posters suggested that Mere really should be given a Santas Sack Entry for all his work during these evenings. (I'd prefer we give him "The Sack"), & this has now been sorted by the Suits. He still refused to accept it, being old, crusty & obdurate, but it transpired that he'd busted Sky Santa on an Omaha Table last week, so he gets no choice - he is in.
I need to be in the "new" Studio shortly, for Technical Rehearsals, & to help out as an on-screen stooge while they mess with camera positions, lighting, & all that sort of stuff. Mother is in charge, God help us. Blandy is going to be the pretend Presenter for this afternoon, too. Watch out Orford. (They both dress equally badly).
I may swerve tonight, as I'm a little tired, shall we say, & I have to head home to frozen Derbyshire in the morning so gotta get up early, & so I'll be offline until at least mid-afternoon Friday.
I'm PTP on Friday (yes, I remembered it this week....), so we'll have some sort of Fun comp on Friday evening a'la last night.
If I can get my head round how to do it fairly, & can get Mere to do the spreadsheet & updating work.....I'd like to do it like last night but change the parameters to include some lower buy-ins.
Maybe include a couple of £2.20 &/or £5.50 Deepies, as well as the 8pm Main (Rebuy), 8.30 TOTTY (Rebuy) & 10pm TSP Classic. We could call it the Linger-Deeper or somesuch, & make it "any 2 or 3 from 5 or 6" or whatever. It would be neat if we could be more embracing towards all buy-in Levels.
Whether I dare stick my neck out again as I did last night as to unlimited Santa Sack Entries is another matter - that could have gone so badly wrong if I'd finished, like, 15th or something, or even, dare I say, where LML did.....
+1 he deffo deserves it
Anyway, planning is well advanced now, we are just trying to work out a fair way to do it. You know how it is, no matter how well-intended it is, if I get it wrong & it discriminates against anyone, there'll be all sorts of hoohah.
Anyway, we'll do it somehow.
One for the 2.20/3,30s
Another for the ME/Rebuy TOT/1.5kGTD/TSP.
It will feature six tournaments with the best three results from the six events contributing to each person's score.
The scoring will be a little different to recent "linger longer" competitions.
The score in each event will be based on the percentage of the field that you beat - this will take account of the differences in field sizes.
For example, if there are 100 players in a tournament and you finish 20th, you will score 80 points. If there are 200 players in a tournament and you finish 20th you will score 90 points. It will make the scoring a little more difficult to understand for some people but I will answer any questions that people have.
The competition will definitely feature the following tournaments:
8pm £11 rebuy main event
8:30pm £5.50 rebuy Totty
10pm £11 TSP Classic
It may also feature the following events:
7:15pm £2:20 Deepstack
8:15pm £5:50 Deepstack
9:15pm £2:20 Deepstack
For this to work well, the last three tournaments will need to have decent fields. I will monitor the equivalent tournaments tonight. However, if anyone has alternative suggestions for well structured and cheap tournaments with a decent sized field that run on a Friday evening, please let me know.
I hope that everyone can agree that there is something for everyone there. A real chance for lower stakes players to pit their wits and poker skills against the "big boys".
mere thankyou for all your effort and work yesterday
congrates to all who got through
was so nice to finish higher than solack
will be in the main event at 8 the the 9 the tsp and will find the 4th
thank you
Thanks tikay thought i had just missed out on a seat last night , had great fun really enjoyable and thanks to merenovice for his hard work.
Congratulations on scooping a seat in Santa's Sack.
Sadly I can't play as I have plans for tomorrow night, but hope that you guys run it next week!
I've deliberately made the scoring as tricky as possible so that I can fix any result.
Satisfaction guaranteed for a fiver, know what I mean, nudge nudge, wink wink.
The 9:15pm DS sounds perfect.
Excellent work by everyone, thanks Mere.
As I will not be online until mid-afternoon at best on Friday, please just"go with it", & start the Thread.
Prizes? Yes, of course. I would expect a MUCH bigger field tomorrow - especially if you all tell your mates - so I'm a bit nervous about offering Santas Sack Tourney entries to everyone who does better than me.
But it's Christmas, so let's do it.
Prizes wll be awarded exactly as they were last night. Everyone who beats me in the Last-Longer table wins a Santas Sack Tourney Entry.
There will be SIX Tourneys, & I shall play all six, to give myself the best possible chance. You only have to play three MINMUM if you so wish.
See you tomorrow.