Many of the regular mtt players will know Pod1. He asked me a question on my blog that i thought would be better answered here as i don't have as much live experience as i do online.
Pod says "i got my first big live event(ish) got to national finals of the nutspoker league in nov, and want some advice on playing in a live event on a bigger scale than a local pub league. regionals was 65 people, nationals will be about 200. please help"
The obvious things are things like observe the table and start slowly. But i'm hoping people may be able to specifically advise pod on this sort of comp. Also lets all wish him good luck!
Thanks in advance
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Go get em Pod1
The best advice i can give you is play your own game, if it got you there then it cant be to bad.
Enjoy the experience.
I've never played live so I'll skip that bit, but very well done & good luck in the next leg!
Althernatively play really tricky and let people draw out on you and explode in rage.
Works for Hellmuth - and he has made loads of monies
Don't call raises with Q10 ... "I had a set" ... "I know you did puddin"
glk benny