I have been playing poker for around 10 years and apart from several big cashes in tournements and a healthy looking sharkscope rating and profit im kind of lost with the game.the reason being is cash i just dont get it im aggressive maybe to aggressive but i dont seem to run in cash like i do in tournements.I think the problem might be my limited bankroll and stakes im playing i withdrew my tourny winnings to go on some nice holidays and cant stand playing at low stakes cash as its mindnumbing.But i am stuck between playing out of my bankroll at higher stakes and getting beaten up or losing the will to live playing at low stakes.Im hoping somebody maybe able to explain the cash game theory or should i cut my losses and just concentrate on tournies which is my strong point.
The problem with tournies is the long term variance and the fact im a family man with not much time to spare and playing tournies can be 3 4 hours lost in your day for no reward.please help
If anyone out there wants to tell me why my cash play is so bad im all ears.
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