how can you play against an aggr player and a serial caller after you raise and reraise with caller callin , you hit flop first to act check then aggro all in, caller all in ??????
how can you play against an aggr player and a serial caller after you raise and reraise with caller callin , you hit flop first to act check then aggro all in, caller all in ?????? Posted by spornybol
you watched poker millions ? see Huck Seed ? passive, called, limped , played. it is possible. you have to be able to read flop textures but ultimately many peoples aggression is the death of them esp. when it's predictable. there is more than one way to play. fold a few have a thinkie, seem weak. then smash their faces in, then bluff re-raise, then go tight. they have to learn not to be party boys don't freak man just be patient but when you get the chance hurt them, make them respect you. the cards do the rest. after they lose a few buy ins they'll fear you. then there's a pattern. then be nice then lie to them sometimes don't let fear enable idiots to walk all over you. imagine you are a fat spider waiting......... Is that helpful ?
it is possible. you have to be able to read flop textures but ultimately many peoples aggression is the death of them esp. when it's predictable. there is more than one way to play. fold a few have a thinkie, seem weak. then smash their faces in, then bluff re-raise, then go tight. they have to learn not to be party boys don't freak man just be patient but when you get the chance hurt them, make them respect you. the cards do the rest. after they lose a few buy ins they'll fear you. then there's a pattern. then be nice
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