most i remember was 26hrs ( not by me) it was a lady funny as frack, some of the posts were getting a bit scrabbled near the end. still cant think of her name, off out to play poker, it will come to me.. honest.
i,d say a few hours on one table - maybe 5 or 6 ,(it soon flies when your watching cricket at the same time) but altogethor non-stop
I think my longest session was coming home from work on a Friday afternoon and playing through till Saturday night with a cpl of brks to make a brew As i lived in a shared house at the time I was just putting in orders for takeouts with my housemates The worst part was losing a fortune on sky vegas toward the end of session - Never again
most i remember was 26hrs ( not by me) it was a lady funny as frack, some of the posts were getting a bit scrabbled near the end. still cant think of her name, off out to play poker, it will come to me.. honest. Posted by pod1
In Response to Re: longest single session ever done on sky? : You might bust after 6? Wud u have to have at least 1 table active at all times? - So u wud have to be 2 tabling just to make sure one doesn't suddenly close on u. Posted by DOHHHHHHH
id be allowed to relaod - one set table im not allowed to leave for that period of time
I think my longest session was coming home from work on a Friday afternoon and playing through till Saturday night with a cpl of brks to make a brew
As i lived in a shared house at the time I was just putting in orders for takeouts with my housemates
The worst part was losing a fortune on sky vegas toward the end of session - Never again
Would everyone accept 30 hours as meeting this challenge?
You might bust after 6?
*sigh......several times :oD
don't think i could be bothered playing poker for more than 5hours.
certainly couldn't be bothered hearing about someone else doing it.