tyler88158469.63lamby1712126220.35Gigi87810.02Drebin1504£26.82 + 12 League PointsFlutNush05£21.75 + 10 League PointsAssassin3506£17.88 + 8 League Points
lamby1712312879.96Gigi59620.04tyler8803£32.78 + 14 League PointsDrebin1504£26.82 + 12 League PointsFlutNush05£21.75 + 10 League PointsAssassin3506£17.88 + 8 League Points
lamby17123725001£80.46 + 20 League PointsGigi02£46.79 + 16 League Pointstyler8803£32.78 + 14 League PointsDrebin1504£26.82 + 12 League PointsFlutNush05£21.75 + 10 League PointsAssassin3506£17.88 + 8 League Points
TOTTY Final result lamby has given them a grilling lamby1712 372500 1 £80.46 + 20 League Points Gigi 0 2 £46.79 + 16 League Points tyler88 0 3 £32.78 + 14 League Points Drebin15 0 4 £26.82 + 12 League Points FlutNush 0 5 £21.75 + 10 League Points Assassin35 0 6 £17.88 + 8 League Points Posted by hawk7112
Macacan159331.62sex_kitten79510R__C__S74755stokefc61409.38Assassin3549140splashies33505WILL2527349lfc198608£9.70 + 2 League Pointsoscardosca09£7.76steveskin1010£5.82
In Response to Re: Last Longer Comp - - Post here Before 7pm Monday 20th Dec - Win a £5-50 Take on Tikay Entry : It looked like he was going to chop it when H/U. Posted by MAXALLY
With three players left in the 9:15 Deepstack splashies can still improve by two points but it won't change his position in the table. Here are the final standings:
splashies289220R__C__S195780sex_kitten03£23.28 + 10 League Pointsstokefc04£19.40 + 8 League PointsMacacan05£15.52 + 6 League PointsWILL2506£13.58 + 4 League Points
splashies4850001£54.32 + 15 League PointsR__C__S02£32.98 + 12 League Pointssex_kitten03£23.28 + 10 League Pointsstokefc04£19.40 + 8 League PointsMacacan05£15.52 + 6 League PointsWILL2506£13.58 + 4 League Points
Well done to all that cashed this evening and to Steveskin1 for winning the LLL
And thanks to Vince for doing his spreadsheet wonderness
Really enjoyed this evening. The result is probably a little flattering, couple of times I was surviving on a wing and a prayer with a dollop of luck thrown in.
I will certainly enter these regularly, and will keep my eyes open for other forum comps too. Never realised what i was missing . So much better than spending the night getting rivered in DYM's lol. Tonight has actually shown me what a "community site" means, the friendly chat made the games so much more enjoyable, thats not something I see a lot of in the games I usually play
Well done to the organisers, updaters and results compiler, great job guys.
Really enjoyed this evening. The result is probably a little flattering, couple of times I was surviving on a wing and a prayer with a dollop of luck thrown in. I will certainly enter these regularly, and will keep my eyes open for other forum comps too. Never realised what i was missing . So much better than spending the night getting rivered in DYM's lol. Tonight has actually shown me what a "community site" means, the friendly chat made the games so much more enjoyable, thats not something I see a lot of in the games I usually play Well done to the organisers, updaters and results compiler, great job guys. Posted by steveskin1
Nice 1 Steve glad you enjoyed yourself & well done on your Cashes & Win this has only been going for 2 weeks but plan to keep doing it every Monday
Well Played Steveskin1 & Well Done on your 3 cashes a Deserved Winner
A BIG THANK YOU to Hawk7112 for the Great Job he has done with the Updates Tonight
Thanks also to Merenovice for putting together the Final Table Standings
Well Done to all that cashed tonite & for those that missed out i hope you all had fun, can't wait for next week hope to see you there
ps thread for next Mondays Comp will be on Forum on Friday
I will certainly enter these regularly, and will keep my eyes open for other forum comps too. Never realised what i was missing . So much better than spending the night getting rivered in DYM's lol.
Tonight has actually shown me what a "community site" means, the friendly chat made the games so much more enjoyable, thats not something I see a lot of in the games I usually play
Well done to the organisers, updaters and results compiler, great job guys.
Nice 1 Steve glad you enjoyed yourself & well done on your Cashes & Win this has only been going for 2 weeks but plan to keep doing it every Monday