It's at times like this where my post on the Your ideas for the Sky Poker TV channel.... thread would come in handy. Sadly it wasn't commissioned by the powers that be... Re: Your ideas for the Sky Poker TV channel.... posted at 11/8/2010 10:29 PM BST on Machka Posts: 2505 First: 25/10/2009 Last: 17/12/2010 In Response to Re: Your ideas for the Sky Poker TV channel.... : How about a once weekly show where Tikay is sat in a big comfy chair with a pot of tea beside him, maybe a nice piece of cake too. In the background is a roaring log fire, paintings of his favourite ducks, trains, chimneys, aqueducts on the wall. The camera pans across the room, focuses on Tikay, he stirrs from his sleep, mumbles in his semi-sleeping state, "Richard, don't go there", realises where he is and looks to camera. Tikay welcomes the viewers to his living room, and then proceeds to tell some of the best stories you've probably ever heard regarding anything Tikay likes for the next hour. It's so crazy, it might just work. Posted by Machka Can I just check this definitely isn't being commissioned? I can't take the tension any longer. Posted by Machka
N1 LML. I hope to donate a few freebies this evening too, but first, I'm going to take a chance & try to get back to my hotel. So until I do, best not offer up any prizes, in case I get badly delayed. Meanwhile..... I am just going outside and may be some time..... Posted by tikay1
Remember, during these cold snaps that it is important to check on elderly neighbours who may be in need of food, drink and heating. It will only take 5 minutes to pop next door and check they are ok*.
*try not to mention pylons, trains or ducks or you may be some time.
Remember, during these cold snaps that it is important to check on elderly neighbours who may be in need of food, drink and heating. It will only take 5 minutes to pop next door and check they are ok*.
*try not to mention pylons, trains or ducks or you may be some time.
Any time now......