I have noticed a few people complain about 'bad' players on this sight. Why complain?
Ok every so often they call you all the way down to the river and hit it happens but not as often as your selective memories seem to think.
Rather than complain try to take their chips. When you have a hand bet, bet and bet again if they call all the way to the river and fail to hit they fold or call you light! Simple.
The same people call raises with rag aces and will call you all the way if they hit their top pair and sometimes bottom pair. Try to spot these players and take advantage but be aware not to over bluff them though or yes they will still call you light and you will lose chips and will then feel the need to come on to the forum and complain about bad players!
Sporny you have to remember the times these chasers dont hit...............................
Donut - that name has a certain ring to it - is so right.
It says much about so many poker players that they complain about players who are worse than them. Only in poker could that happen. You have to wonder exactly what is between their ears.
About 20% of the questions on "Ask tikay" are players complaining that "Sky Poker is full of absolutely terrible players, I'm off". I never know quite what to say to them, really. I know what I think, but that'd probably be a tad off message to actually put in writing.
I mean, really, you could not make it up, could you?
"You are so bad I don't want to play you for money". Hmm.
An acquaintance on another Forum told me "Sky Poker is the softest site in the world, all the players are utterly hopeless, but I don't like the software, so I don't play there". He is busto, & has to be staked to play, but he does not play these "hopeless" players, as he does not like the software......
It looks like the software is providing me a certain degree of protection