To play more mtt`s and get my sharkscope stats out of the red and into the black Posted by OMahonyO
Hi Mahony if you play Sats a lot then Sharkscope count it as full buy-in of that tourney which could account for being in the red just thought you may wanna take that into account m8 gl with your goals
In Response to Re: What's Your New Year POKER Resolutions for 2011 : Hi Mahony if you play Sats a lot then Sharkscope count it as full buy-in of that tourney which could account for being in the red just thought you may wanna take that into account m8 gl with your goals Michael Posted by DTWBANDIT
Haaaaaaaaaa I bet he wishes he had that excuse to cling on to m8.
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Hi Mahony if you play Sats a lot then Sharkscope count it as full buy-in of that tourney which could account for being in the red just thought you may wanna take that into account m8 gl with your goals