when i first started i could only play one table and that was pretty bad, you need to be thinking about your hand ranges so basically what hand you open/call/3bet in what positions, i play 8 tables which is not that many compared to most but i leave a lot of dead money behind as i play pretty robotic on auto pilot
my advice would be to learn the game to a good standard before you think about opening more tables then work out whats best for you as in grinding a load of tables or playing your best game on less
Recently tried multi tabling dyms - and struggled big - time.
Stack sizes of everyone at the table matter so much more, so my eyes were always darting around each table to see where I was at. How many were left/was there a shorty etc etc
I have done 7 cash games quite comfortably Recently tried multi tabling dyms - and struggled big - time. Stack sizes of everyone at the table matter so much more, so my eyes were always darting around each table to see where I was at. How many were left/was there a shorty etc etc Posted by DOHHHHHHH
the amount of times been multitabling cash and not looked at stack sizes and ended up getting involved with shortstacks.....i need to play less tables
In Response to Re: Multi-Tabling : the amount of times been multitabling cash and not looked at stack sizes and ended up getting involved with shortstacks.....i need to play less tables Posted by N1CK
Stick with it and you'll be fine, just be prepared to time out a few times at the start and increase table numbers gradually. I was terrible when I first started 2 tabling lol, multi-tabling dym's should be easier than other formats though imo.
got mixed up but will try again when not drinking
my advice would be to learn the game to a good standard before you think about opening more tables then work out whats best for you as in grinding a load of tables or playing your best game on less