Evening all!! Tonight it's the Santa's Sack tourny and seats are SO hot even I couldn't get my hands on one!! I will however be playing the 8.30 TOT and the 10pm TSP!! Hope to see you on the tables.. Oh and what did you all get for Christmas?? I got.. Man Flu xx Posted by Lisa_Marie
Awwwwww poor LM, here are a few kisses to make it better xxxxxx before you all start, I mean her man flu sigh
i got 17 pairs of socks. 17 **** pairs i wish i was slightly over playing it but honestly 17, i must have stinky **** feet...i also got a big belly and a gammy eye....ho ho ho merry christmas to all..on the plus side 2 days until vegas.......
I got a fancy new Poker Set for xmas. Apparently it was on special offer, as the two packs of cards that come with it, include a selection of bad beats at no extra cost.
Still did get the dvd i wanted so can't complain.
if i get the 3D tele i,ll invite you round to see it and we could watch a film togethor
GL in you game
It'll be just like playing online lol.
Good Luck Tonight All - See you at the tables.