70% win rate is breaking even and you are talking about the lower stakes which attract a different type of player.
Say play 1000 games at £5 means an investment of 5500 with a win rate of 70% your getting 7000 so a profit of £1500 which gives a roi of 27 % which is an excellent roi but you are playing 1000 games each of which takes upto 1/2 hour of your time. So a return of about £3 per hour.
Now the 9% roi that you mentioned earlier puts it around a 60% winrate with profits of about £500 which again goes back to the £1 per hour return.
Before venturing into the bigger stake roll yourself up and run a few tests of say upto 100 games to see if your still retaining your required winrate.
Or take the advice above and venture to where the real money is in the cash games. Running them side by side can be quite advantageous as can be runing cash with MTT's as it keeps theboredom at bay whilst your getting through the lower part of the game.
Say play 1000 games at £5 means an investment of 5500 with a win rate of 70% your getting 7000 so a profit of £1500 which gives a roi of 27 % which is an excellent roi but you are playing 1000 games each of which takes upto 1/2 hour of your time. So a return of about £3 per hour.
Now the 9% roi that you mentioned earlier puts it around a 60% winrate with profits of about £500 which again goes back to the £1 per hour return.
Before venturing into the bigger stake roll yourself up and run a few tests of say upto 100 games to see if your still retaining your required winrate.
Or take the advice above and venture to where the real money is in the cash games. Running them side by side can be quite advantageous as can be runing cash with MTT's as it keeps theboredom at bay whilst your getting through the lower part of the game.