just a little question i play genraly most of the games on sky just played a 50 gtd rebuy only 7 players so a small 1 down to the last 3 me and another player have 17k-20k respectivly and the 3rd player gets taken out blinds 500/1000 now would u say a rite way would b to buy bak into the game he did bout 4 times he did go on to win but is that just relin on luck in my mind them blind levels i would think no point or is it that 3 way and just gamble
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In my opinion, it depends on how mud=ch the rebuy is, how big the BR is, and how much they want to gamble, it is their money
I do the exact opposite of ertikins, I make an instant re-buy and start with twice as many chips as most of the other players. If I get KO'd and there is still a reasonable chance of making the bubble I will make a double re-buy (never a single re-buy). I always take the add-on at the break unless I'm runaway chip leader. Using these tactics I've won several rebuy tournaments and made a big profit overall. Players who don't rebuy are at a big disadvantage IMO and hardly ever seem to win. This was the result of the latest re-buy I entered;
You need a good bankroll to use these tactics, I will only enter a re-buy tournament if I don't mind spending and losing 5x the buy-in.