IF, IF, Sky will let me, then i would like to donate as belated xmas present, a Primo entry this sunday, to the first person that correctly predicts Richards finishing position NB there may not actually be 50 runners!!!!!!! Posted by JAEGERBOMB
hi guy`s you`v mentioned those players who you think could win, i`ll gve you an outside chance that could win it is wacko90 who also sat in just before it started and has also been well lately
Between now and 9.30pm, she will be saying 3 unusual words - but there will be a couple of redherrings in there to put you off - correctly guesss which 3 words I have fed her and you will gain free entry into a TSP Classic of your choice.
She has said the first word already but will be repeating all of them at some point. Get your answers in by 9.45 if you want to win your way into the TSP Classic.
Hello just wanted to clarify to Trevor I was turning my hand into a bluff to make OMC fold 9h/ 7h etc smaller flushes that beat me but that can't call a raise on the river. I'm not raising for value
PS - Arsenal aren't gonna win the league Man united all the way
IF, IF, Sky will let me, then i would like to donate as belated xmas present, a Primo entry this sunday, to the first person that correctly predicts Richards finishing position NB there may not actually be 50 runners!!!!!!! Posted by JAEGERBOMB
I am looking into this for you now David, but not sure I will get an answer tonight I'm afraid, but I'll keep you posted.
Hello just wanted to clarify to Trevor I was turning my hand into a bluff to make OMC fold 9h/ 7h etc smaller flushes that beat me but that can't call a raise on the river. I'm not raising for value PS - Arsenal aren't gonna win the league Man united all the way Posted by lJAMESl
I understand James but I still didn't like the play. It actually reminded me of a cash hand tactic.
In Response to Re: Tonight's BIG 8K Sky Sports DS Show thread!! : I understand James but I still didn't like the play. It actually reminded me of a cash hand tactic. Posted by TrevorH
Fair enough Trev! One football question I'm a subscriber to alot of football team sites to watch highlights etc one is arsenal fc noticed you were commentating on a few games on there! Do you think if Arsenal sign a new defender and get back Vermaelan they will actually win the league? I think they concede far too many goals to win the league this year!
In Response to Re: Tonight's BIG 8K Sky Sports DS Show thread!! : I am looking into this for you now David, but not sure I will get an answer tonight I'm afraid, but I'll keep you posted. Posted by Sky_Mandy
2 - flash
3 - richard orford... dont let me down rich
go wacko
Between now and 9.30pm, she will be saying 3 unusual words - but there will be a couple of redherrings in there to put you off - correctly guesss which 3 words I have fed her and you will gain free entry into a TSP Classic of your choice.
She has said the first word already but will be repeating all of them at some point. Get your answers in by 9.45 if you want to win your way into the TSP Classic.
Good luck!!
Many thanks.
I hope that lovely presenter is feeling better tonight xx
i got above, someone 39 does that mean noone wins?