Il be entering the 1.10 one! mayb there should of been 4 leagues. One which cost 5.75 and winner gets entry to 15k Sky Bh Good idea ed, Hope you all had good new year! Posted by shaun09
Il be entering the 1.10 one! mayb there should of been 4 leagues. One which cost 5.75 and winner gets entry to 15k Sky Bh Good idea ed, Hope you all had good new year! Posted by shaun09
great idea hopefully it will happen again later in the year. can't make the first 2 of this one - out of country. hopefully i'll do the last ones for the experience. I need it!
nice idea im in will play the 2 bigger ones
thanks mate
Welcome to the forum!, if this 4 week league is a success and well attended then I am sure there will be others later on. Good luck.
Hey Mark thank you and the way you are playing at the moment you will be in the mix, see you on the tables.
hopefully it will happen again later in the year.
can't make the first 2 of this one - out of country. hopefully i'll do the last ones for the experience. I need it!
I thnk I may have a dabble at the £1.10 league allthough, it is possible I may not complete it, depends on how quick my new place becomes habitable
Needs a name though?
"Get Giddins" or "Go for Giddins" or some other variation on a theme of urm.....knocking you out.
i'll give the small buy-in a go ed