well at last i win a 830pm bounty hunter and what a feeling winning £450 in the process which is my biggest win todate and it made me wonder what everyone biggest win todate is
anyone who wants to say what tourny they won u dont have to put the money won if you dont want to its up to u peeps
just wanted to say a big shout out to lunnie who i beat heads up very gg mate and sorry bout the winning hand hope to play you again m8 wd for coming second may be next time we meet u will get the better of me :-)
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There are lots of brag posts today, I like it, makes a welcome change from all the usual moaning about about bad-beats and the 'Skys rng is rigged' type stuff.
Sharkscope is your friend if you want to see my best wins.
2/400 £550
10/400 £100
there my best lol
Ive won a few bounty hunters biggest single cash is £125 i think certainly no more than that.
Coming 3rd in Santas Sack, £200 plus a blu ray home cinema set.Here's hoping my elusive 1st place comes in 2011
£5 dym!! (scrapped in 3rd)
Please could somebody explain, I would be most grateful.....thanx Billy.
wd to everyone who has commented on there best win to date and good luck for future wins
mines 2/600ish for £900 in old open, a few wins but always around £100 max , must run better obv