Sky Poker is now the primary sponsor of Blonde Poker Forum. This is going to bring a lot of Blonde forum members over to may I be the first to offer a HUGE HELLLOOOOOO and welcome to you all
Welcome aboard the good ship sky...don't forget your tin hats ;o)
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hi guys & welcome .
Thought i'd best keep the same screen name so I didn't get confused ;o)
Welcome to the Forum
Blonde poker forum is now sponsered by Sky Poker...
This means that all over the forum are sky banners advertising this site...
Some Sky players also post on the Blonde forums and the idea is to attract new players from Blonde to Sky...they were previously sponsored by DTD so the players went there rather than here...
This thread is my way of saying hellloooooo & welcome to the new Skybies ;o)
When we going to have a Blonde Forum vs Sky Forum game???
Oh yea Leedsrhodesy on Blonde
obviously not by me...
but someone else..
welcome to the Sky
mr tk2 sir ;o)
Blonde have had probably one of the most active friendly poker forums for a number of years and quite a few used to play here and some notables still do and quite a few of us have had Blonde memberships for sometime. Their live tournament threads were/are second to none, the best in the business imo.
One of the bug bears alot of players had with Sky was the software crashing with their ISP's but hopefully the downloadable version will help with that and a bit more traffic will pass our way which will help Sky with the numbers and the customers with better tournaments etc.
Both paths have entwined one way or another for some time and lets hope that this will be the beginning of a healthy fruitful relationship for both parties which will grow from strength to strength.
The economic climate has meant that the poker world has been getting tougher for the sites competing with the 2 big guns for sometime. Our guaranteed tournaments for example have had to shrink to be able to cope with this so in time maybe we will see that trend reversed.
There is however a downside, ladies and gentlemen - your tournaments are about to get much tougher to win :-)