why do people feel the need to constantly raise before the flop?
its not part of my game so i struggle to see the benefits of it. I dont get why the same people keep this tactic going and go out of touraments early on, all for the sake of trying to win blinds out of position.
Yes, at latter stages of touraments, its a great tactic to use, and all the good players play it, but giving up 20%-30% of ur stack early on sounds a bit silly to me. But obviously its beneficial to my stack when i call/re-raise u donks and hit on the flop.
Anyway, happy new year all, and good luck on the tables.
PS: is lucy still floating around??
You also want a few people to call your raise so as when you do hit on the flop/turn/river or your pocket pair holds up you win more money/chips back.
For arguments sake, you have AK pre-flop. You limp in and so do four others whilst the BB checks.The flop comes A92. It checks to you and you bet, it folds all the way around to the BB who c/r, you then re-raise, he goes all in, you call and he flips over 92. Would be annoying wouldn't it? The point is, by raising pre-flop 99% of the time the BB folds his hand in that instance.
By not raising it makes gaining information so much harder. For example if we raise and the tightest player on the table calls we know to be careful post-flop. If however we limp pre-flop, he limps behind with a huge pocket pair and we flop top pair with 109 whilst there's a flush draw out there, we're going to lose a fair portion of our stack because it's hard to always give him credit for a big hand when he could in theory have a busted flush etc.
At the end of the day limping is awful. No world class player consistently limps. It just does not happen.
You realise that in the early stages it costs much less to make a standard preflop raise (i.e. raising 3x bb at 10/20 with a 2k stack vs raising 3x bb at 50/100 with the same size stack)? Players will therefore play a lot more hands in the opening stages as they don't have to tighten up given that it's deeper stacked play.
Also, the ability to raise a lot pre-flop is very beneficial if you're a good post-flop player as it disguises your hand range and makes it difficult for an opponent to give you credit for your big hands.
In situations where someone is playing like a maniac, you just need to learn to sit and be patient, but you also need to accept that there's a real art to it (if played well).
shhhh dont tell everyone plophead