If Avram Grant spent the whole of 2010 in the bottom 3 of the premier league, does this now mean that he'll spend the whole of 2011 out of it? Let's hope so
Rich i've got a classic karaoke moment for you, bearing in mind TIKAY's impending performance at Newcastle check this out if you can. DTWBANDIT strutting his stuff
Rich i've got a classic karaoke moment for you, bearing in mind TIKAY's impending performance at Newcastle check this out if you can. DTWBANDIT strutting his stuff http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADtk4d_kyCg by the way Happy New Year to you all at Sky Poker, and all at the tables hope 2011 is good to you (been told to point out that this was after 12 pints) Posted by scouse_red
I'll be watching tonight, it's always worth watching the Primo.
How has my 2011 been so far ?
Well my football team hasn't lost as of yet this year (Sheffield Wednesday) but that's probably due to our match being cancelled yesterday.
Oh and I had a bit of drama last night before heading off to bed at 3.30am after a few shandies. I was just getting a drink of water when I saw some flashing blue lights go down the street, I then heard a thud and thought that sounds like someone close.
I look through the kitchen window to be met with some youngish lad staring back at me, he was obviously hiding from the police after doing something wrong (do I have to say allegedly here for legal reasons ?)
Anyway, by the time i'd found my keys and gone outside he'd legged it somewhere.
That's about it so far for me this year.
Oh i've won about £1.38p on poker so far this year, it makes a change from losing money anyway.
hand id ...325069157,,,,,2 early limpers ,i got 77 ,decided not 2 raise and go set mining ,hit my set ,,,kept pricing my opponent in , was pretty sure he was flushing ,and got unlucky on the river .......exit hand 325070713,,,standard flip ,,,not my night i guess oh well always next week
Not too good yet poker running bad, went to the london dungeons yesterday another eighty two quid. Husband got flash by speed camera. Still got next saturday to look forward too. See you all there. tina
@d Up)
best of luck to all.
Well Done Debs & gl tonite
BLURRED, but it's getting better now,
CELTIC beat Rangers 2-0,
Satted into PRIMO for £2.64
Lucky BOB says go FTW
by the way Happy New Year to you all at Sky Poker, and all at the tables hope 2011 is good to you
(been told to point out that this was after 12 pints)
I think I played it pretty poorly but.......
you say a lot just play ABC poker please explain what this means and what is not ABC poker
I'll be watching tonight, it's always worth watching the Primo.
How has my 2011 been so far ?
Well my football team hasn't lost as of yet this year (Sheffield Wednesday) but that's probably due to our match being cancelled yesterday.
Oh and I had a bit of drama last night before heading off to bed at 3.30am after a few shandies. I was just getting a drink of water when I saw some flashing blue lights go down the street, I then heard a thud and thought that sounds like someone close.
I look through the kitchen window to be met with some youngish lad staring back at me, he was obviously hiding from the police after doing something wrong (do I have to say allegedly here for legal reasons ?)
Anyway, by the time i'd found my keys and gone outside he'd legged it somewhere.
That's about it so far for me this year.
Oh i've won about £1.38p on poker so far this year, it makes a change from losing money anyway.
Mohican, you're correct sir.
Not too good yet poker running bad, went to the london dungeons yesterday another eighty two quid. Husband got flash by speed camera. Still got next saturday to look forward too. See you all there. tina