i would like to complain about a player, why give so much abuse to other players on line even when you are the chip leader...god help it when you lose...
hi ospreys12 you shouldn`t name names as it`s against forum rules, what you need to do is contact c/care and they will sort it for you number at bottom off page
Please edit your post and delete the players name. Report any abuse to customer services, giving them the name of the player and tournament ID so they can investigate it for you.
Please do not name and shame on the forums as this is frowned upon, contacting customer services below, giving them all the details will be the best option.
I have amended your post as it is against forum rules to name and shame players. As Pokertrev says, if you receive abuse at the tables then please report it to customer care, their details are at the bottom of this and every page. FYI I have forwarded your original post so that they are aware of the other players behaviour.
Bigflop, I have deleted your original post as it also contained the offending players name as you had copied the original post into yours.
I have arranged for a member of customer care to give you a call tonight to see if we can get to the bottom of this. If you are unable to take the call, don't worry, we will send you an e-mail that you can reply to.
We do not accept any abuse or foul language on our tables so appreciate you bringing this to our attention.
Thanks guys!
Oh and welcome to the forum Ospreys12, keep up the posting!
welcome to the forum tho and going by your name i would say u live just up the road in neath/ swansea?? do you play live in aspers swansea?? if so then we prob know each other Posted by bigflop1
sorry bigflop i live in Cwmbran...there are suporters of the Ospreys outside of Swansea you know...lol..keep in touch and happy new year
In Response to Re: abuse on line : sorry bigflop i live in Cwmbran...there are suporters of the Ospreys outside of Swansea you know...lol..keep in touch and happy new year Posted by ospreys12
Blues FTW
Gl at the tabs m8 and I hope you sort it all out - no need for any abuse!!
In Response to abuse on line : Its all part of poker. I love winding people up on the tables, it's all part of the fun. Posted by xDECISIONx
Being abused at the tables is NOT fun. If you do it and you are reported then Sky can and will chat ban you. I'm not 100% sure how it works but I believe you are given a warning and then if you continue they shut down your chat facility and the ban can run from a few days to, in the most extreme cases, a permanent chat ban.
In Response to Re: abuse on line It depends on the level of abuse, general winding up is all part of the fun.I've seen it alot in live games too, you just cant take it to heart, thats what they want.
In Response to Re: abuse on line : Being abused at the tables is NOT fun. If you do it and you are reported then Sky can and will chat ban you. I'm not 100% sure how it works but I believe you are given a warning and then if you continue they shut down your chat facility and the ban can run from a few days to, in the most extreme cases, a permanent chat ban. Posted by Kiwini4u
hmmm.... depends who by and how amusing they are at it
Iv had some great nights when im being called a **** ****
OMG, Just because you "have seen it alot in live games" does not make it right. Sky Poker should do what they do on other sites where they have KEY words which alert the mods straight away,and if those key words are used again thats it no more chat . It cannot be that hard to put in place, but do Sky as they keep telling us want to stop this once and for all well if they do start doing something about it . Regards Mick.
Please edit your post and delete the players name. Report any abuse to customer services, giving them the name of the player and tournament ID so they can investigate it for you.
Please do not name and shame on the forums as this is frowned upon, contacting customer services below, giving them all the details will be the best option.
if so then we prob know each other
I have amended your post as it is against forum rules to name and shame players. As Pokertrev says, if you receive abuse at the tables then please report it to customer care, their details are at the bottom of this and every page. FYI I have forwarded your original post so that they are aware of the other players behaviour.
Bigflop, I have deleted your original post as it also contained the offending players name as you had copied the original post into yours.
I have arranged for a member of customer care to give you a call tonight to see if we can get to the bottom of this. If you are unable to take the call, don't worry, we will send you an e-mail that you can reply to.
We do not accept any abuse or foul language on our tables so appreciate you bringing this to our attention.
Thanks guys!
Oh and welcome to the forum Ospreys12, keep up the posting!
Its all part of poker. I love winding people up on the tables, it's all part of the fun.
It depends on the level of abuse, general winding up is all part of the fun.I've seen it alot in live games too, you just cant take it to heart, thats what they want.
Iv had some great nights when im being called a **** ****
Just because you "have seen it alot in live games" does not make it right.
Sky Poker should do what they do on other sites where they have KEY words which alert the mods straight away,and if those key words are used again thats it no more chat .
It cannot be that hard to put in place, but do Sky as they keep telling us want to stop this once and for all well if they do start doing something about it .
Regards Mick.