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The TSP Cash Final - Runners & Riders



  • scotty77scotty77 Member Posts: 4,970
    edited January 2011
    flashflush is the standout MTT,on Sky at least, player in this field IMO.
    coxy runs amazing
    beaneh has never come close to winning any tournie here, so he's gonna be my third pick. 
  • beanehbeaneh Member Posts: 4,079
    edited January 2011
     I think their advantage is pretty small.

    You also think we should just play aces and kings....

    I and others did query the russian roulette stuff but no answers were given. I'm not affected by the HU stuff, but I might aswell just team up with someone and we can just grind the russian roulettes and both make the top of the STT league with ease for not much outlay..... whilst cash grinders have to play tens of thousands of hands being raked on every single one.

    With point 4, does that mean that if we are sitting out we are removed? if we are late is that ok? if we sit out the whole way through is that a problem?

    And Scotty I have no idea why people think  you will do well as you are obviously terrible, the fact that I am worse than you by a country mile means my chances are even less! I might have to try and track down mickjenn and ask for some lessons if I manage to play at all!!
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,481
    edited January 2011
    In Response to Re: The TSP Cash Final - Runners & Riders:
     I think their advantage is pretty small. You also think we should just play aces and kings.... I and others did query the russian roulette stuff but no answers were given. I'm not affected by the HU stuff, but I might aswell just team up with someone and we can just grind the russian roulettes and both make the top of the STT league with ease for not much outlay..... whilst cash grinders have to play tens of thousands of hands being raked on every single one. With point 4, does that mean that if we are sitting out we are removed? if we are late is that ok? if we sit out the whole way through is that a problem? And Scotty I have no idea why people think  you will do well as you are obviously terrible, the fact that I am worse than you by a country mile means my chances are even less! I might have to try and track down mickjenn and ask for some lessons if I manage to play at all!!
    Posted by beaneh
    1) Yup.

    2) Yup, that's the only hands I ever play.

    3) I'm afraid it's a little late now to query the Rules, right or wrong, they are what they are now.

    4) Yes, you can be as late sitting-in as you wish. The Blinds will only be 30-60 AFTER the one-hour break, so it's not going to cost much in chips to sit-out for a bit.

    5) Yup, Scotty is tez.
  • 5toneFace5toneFace Member Posts: 246
    edited January 2011
    MickJenn, The_jibb or flashflush ftw!!!
  • beanehbeaneh Member Posts: 4,079
    edited January 2011
    [ x ] he's worse than tez.

    what does that make me :-(  
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited January 2011
    In Response to Re: The TSP Cash Final - Runners & Riders:
    [ x ] he's worse than tez. what does that make me :-(  
    Posted by beaneh
    Very Tez, or Tevez for short?

    You know what, I'm going to give my 2nd shout out to Beaneh for this one.  Firstly, he's due.  Secondly, it would honestly be lovely to see him on TSP.  And last but not least, might cheer him up.  Judging by the replies on these threads I think the Priority Club guys are currently drawing straws to be his 'account manager.'
  • FINSFINS Member Posts: 1,080
    edited January 2011
    1st jakally  

    2nd freechips1.

    3rd offshoot.
  • cottladcottlad Member Posts: 439
    edited January 2011
    Ive certainly queried the points system many times and it's been brought up on the forum more times than i can remember.  Nothing ever gets done though and it's rare to even get a response.  It's coming up now because it's only now the 3 months is up and it's all very relevant all of a sudden.  That a button clicking monkey (apologies if u think u fit in this bracket lol) who's paid a microscopic amount of rake compared to the cash grinders gets an equal (or better imo) chance of winning what could be a trully life changing prize.  I certainly don't think it's in Sky interests for a RR merchant to be representing the site and the Sky name..... and are they going to be able to take advantage of any buyins with what little poker points they may earn?  Or will it force them to play out of their bankroll and/or play cash in order to accumulate points with which to use as a TSP player?

    I just think it dillutes what could be a quality field of players that could go out there and really represent the Sky brand.  Am not necessarily saying i'm the bees knees for that but i would feel a bit better that these guys had put in 20% of the hours it took me to scrape into the top30 cash league..... as i know many others did.

    Just all feels a bit wrong and if the RR route (or even the DYM route for that matter) is still open i think you'll find many people switching just to make the top30 easier, which in turn makes a bit of a mockery of the whole structure.

    Anyways that's my 2penneth.  Maybe not the platform but i don't see a 'how to improve the league' thread.... maybe i should start 1?  lol.  I'd also mention in it how good play get's you knowhere in the league.  It's all about volume and more importantly aggressiveness.  2 x £200nl cash players could play exactly the same amount of hands and 1 could finish top5 whilst the other may not make top30.  It could also be that the top5 finisher loses £2k whilst the 31st place finisher wins £5k.

    I'd start a thread but maybe it would be presumptious for Sky to take any notice....... which is why i've just had a little waffle in here lol :D

    I think i'm just tiured and crabby after a manic December.... time to chill.

    As it stands though that's one elluva line-up.  I'm scurrrrred :/  Think it may be allin every hand and trust to luck!
  • MachkaMachka Member Posts: 4,627
    edited January 2011
    In Response to Re: The TSP Cash Final - Runners & Riders:
    In Response to Re: The TSP Cash Final - Runners & Riders : Very Tez, or Tevez for short? You know what, I'm going to give my 2nd shout out to Beaneh for this one.  Firstly, he's due.  Secondly, it would honestly be lovely to see him on TSP.  And last but not least, might cheer him up.  Judging by the replies on these threads I think the Priority Club guys are currently drawing straws to be his 'account manager.'
    Posted by TommyD
    I belive similar discussions are underway regarding mickjenn1's Priory Club account manager.
  • shaun09shaun09 Member Posts: 1,606
    edited January 2011
    Alot of good players there. I cant pick. But goodluck to everyone!

    Btw i dont think there is much advantage or disadvantage. As blinds are so long. If it was 5 min blinds. You could says the smaller stacks will have to make a move quicker then the leaders.

  • cottladcottlad Member Posts: 439
    edited January 2011
    Oh and the mind literally boggles to wonder how many hands Wayne must have played to be right up there...... he must be wandering around like Raoul Duke in Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas! 

    One toke? You poor fool! Wait till you see those **** bats.

    Let's get down to brass tacks. How much for the ape?

    And other awesome quotes :D
  • mr_mbromr_mbro Member Posts: 1,152
    edited January 2011
    Hi All,
    I'll put my kiss of death on offshoot, mickjenn, and boonicon. Sorry to the rest of the field but i have actually increased your chances now lol.

  • HartshorNHartshorN Member Posts: 616
    edited January 2011
    People need to quit there jibber jabbering and get on with it. You have the chance to be part of someting special... THANKS TO SKY POKER.

    So stop contesting SKY POKER's rules and regulations.

    Some of us who dont have the BR to play and accumulate that amount of points won't get this opputunity.. EVER. So please quit moaning, depressing to read.


    Imma go for cottlad & mickjenn due to recent performance thats ive noticed and also  offshoot just cause he has serious game no matter the format
  • beanehbeaneh Member Posts: 4,079
    edited January 2011
    In Response to Re: The TSP Cash Final - Runners & Riders:
    Oh and the mind literally boggles to wonder how many hands Wayne must have played to be right up there...... he must be wandering around like Raoul Duke in Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas!  One toke? You poor fool! Wait till you see those **** bats. Let's get down to brass tacks. How much for the ape? And other awesome quotes :D
    Posted by cottlad


  • beanehbeaneh Member Posts: 4,079
    edited January 2011
    In Response to Re: The TSP Cash Final - Runners & Riders:
    In Response to Re: The TSP Cash Final - Runners & Riders : Very Tez, or Tevez for short? You know what, I'm going to give my 2nd shout out to Beaneh for this one.  Firstly, he's due.  Secondly, it would honestly be lovely to see him on TSP.  And last but not least, might cheer him up.  Judging by the replies on these threads I think the Priority Club guys are currently drawing straws to be his 'account manager.'
    Posted by TommyD

    I'm a very chilled out generally happy dude dude!
  • cottladcottlad Member Posts: 439
    edited January 2011
    I absolutely agree Harts that this is an awesome opportunity and Sky have done a cracking job coming up with the idea.  It's the fact that this is SO special that i think it has to be perfected and improved on wherever possible.  To the right player this deal could be worth 10k, 20k, 30k+ per year.  Not to be sniffed at!  And it's their own rake money paying for it.  To the wrong player it's probably worth a few thousand quid or less whilst the regs are still paying all the rake (comparatively)
    Anyways, what i didn't want to do was sound like i was moaning.  Just wanted some constructive input. 
    Thanks for your support also...... do u think my arrin every hand strategy could workout?  ;)
  • 5toneFace5toneFace Member Posts: 246
    edited January 2011
    To my knowledge (although i could be wrong). The deal you get in the team is double your C4P. Of which half is put into a live tourny bankroll. Cant see how the players who play RR or probably any STT or MTT (although I dont know how many C4P these people get) are goiing to make many C4P. Maybe like 4k points max. Not sure what tournys they will be playing. Cant see them being able to buy into anything decent. They might be able to play a DTD deepstack after the 3 months of saving. Cant see the benefit to sky poker of having one of these in the team.
    But its all about equal opportunities. And good luck to whoever gets in the team.
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited January 2011
    In Response to Re: The TSP Cash Final - Runners & Riders:
    In Response to Re: The TSP Cash Final - Runners & Riders : I'm a very chilled out generally happy dude dude!
    Posted by beaneh
    I know man, all tongue in cheek except number 2.  After all your work in the clinic and on the forum I think it would be great for you to be on TSP, despite the fact we disagree on pretty much every hand we discuss.
  • zingzing Member Posts: 333
    edited January 2011
    In Response to Re: The TSP Cash Final - Runners & Riders:
    People need to quit there jibber jabbering and get on with it. You have the chance to be part of someting special... THANKS TO SKY POKER. So stop contesting SKY POKER's rules and regulations. Some of us who dont have the BR to play and accumulate that amount of points won't get this opputunity.. EVER. So please quit moaning, depressing to read. Anyways. Imma go for cottlad & mickjenn due to recent performance thats ive noticed and also  offshoot just cause he has serious game no matter the format
    Posted by HartshorN

    people like you need to stop posting when it doesn't concern you.

    when you finish in the top30 cash places and realise the hours of work it takes and the money created for Sky it equates to we're allowed to voice opinions on how certain things are done and certain improvements which can possibly be made.

  • SoLackSoLack Member Posts: 2,737
    edited January 2011
    You are absolutely correct 5toneface.  If I were to be lcky enough to get a TSP place I wd change from mainly MTT to mainly grinding multi cash tables. 
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