In Response to Re: The TSP STT Final - Runners & Riders. : good lad, someone who is buzzing at the chance to be a member of team skypoker (the way it should be),relish it mate and thrive of the knowledge of the likes of gliterbabe, dantb10, ljamesl, lolufold etc met a couple of em and theyre a good crack. good luck! Posted by hurst05
Very well done Robbie. You played great and fully deserve your place. I wish you all the best and really want you to squeeze every drop out of this great opportunity. Go get 'em!
sorry banana, when you moved tables i couldn't be bothered to load up the lobby and find you again to rail. I accept full responsabillity that you didn't win and will do better next time. well done winner Posted by Mr_Miyagi
hahaha Mr M! no problem, thanks for railing me honey. How did you get on in your tourney?
Very well done Robbie. You played great and fully deserve your place. I wish you all the best and really want you to squeeze every drop out of this great opportunity. Go get 'em!
thanks for all the postive responses and im sure the next 3 months should be an added benefit to my poker