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hi all I have been on youtube looking at poker bots they look great to me cos i could leave it on when i go to sleep lol looks like they might make you alot of money playing micro limits by playing 12 tables at a time has any one used one? I hav not seen them for sky poker they seem to by on pokerstars and fulltilt sites alot more they say they work on most sites tho... ps dont worry i have not got one would just like to know people thoughts on them and if u think they would work ..
MY one cleans the house an makes my dinner, its rubbish at poker . looked at me a bit funny the other night. SCARY
once again forum peeps picking on the minority groups on here.
bots have ever right to play on here too.
sick of this typical human attitude it stinks .
In Response to Re: poker bot seen on youtube....:
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As far as I know you can buy a `standrd` bot that is pre programmed, you can also re-program it yourself to make a certain action if a certain few conditions were in place etc. So the teccy type of poker players would probs have an advantage. Personally, I dont think the difference between bots playing and the ability to use pt/hem are a million miles away. Pt/hem gives you certain stats to hand to determine your decision. If you went solely with that info, then the only difference between you and a bot is that you have to manually click the check/fold buttons urself. I think bots have become a hobby in themselves, the satisfaction of who can program the best bot etc.
reprogrammed bots that have a good track record can fetch a lot more money than std ones.
As far as I know, it is difficult and unusual in general to get bots to beat anything higher than the micros, but could be wrong.
There are also measures in place on sites to detect bots, if a bot is playing for like 24 hrs without a break, somethings gonna flag up somewhere. You can even program bots to take toilet breaks to get round this lol, dunno what comes out, must be castrol gtx.
Also, if a player at your table suspects you are a bot, they can report it. The site can send a msg to your pc asking you to type in a certain series of characters immediately. Basically, this is to prove there is a human there. With technology as it is though, I cant imagine it will be long before someone programs a bot to recognise this and to type it in for you.....if they havent already.
Would I use one ?
If someone sent me a pre programmed bot that I didnt have to muck around with and was completely user friendly, then yeah, I`d fire up 24 tables on stars or something and give it a go. Mainly out of interest, but if it started making me money, then yeah, I would carry on........only being honest.
that the info i was looking for thanks for the replay yeah they do sound good for the micros and for cash for points lol