only been playing cash properly for 5 wks now, although playing mtts for 3ys.started my cash quest with a bang and first 2 wks made a healthy profit nearly doubling br. had a blip on week 3 by playing too high too quick ( and drunk). decent wk4 back in profit again. this week mind has been bad. lost 5 bi in 2 days whilst playing on 2 tables. is this normal or should alarm bells be ringing after losing that many bis in a row. natural varience or game changed. if anything i think i have tightened up on my starting hands but not playing them strong enough post flop. any advice most welcome phil
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Not sure what levels you play at Phil but if playing at micros I would offer this advice.
1, Position is key.
2, Try to avoid limping as you will end up with 4 or 5 players post flop.
3, Bet out when you hit.
4, Lot of players at these levels will chase draws so keep betting.
5, Majority of players at this level will not bluff on the river so be aware of all river bets unless you are very strong.
6, Try to play small ball, its better to win £1 in a pot than lose £10 by being greedy. This is probabaly the biggest lesson I have learnt.
5 buy ins is quite a lot in my opinion and I would look at where you are losing big pots.
Good luck
Without downswings, there would be no profit in poker. If you are a winning player, and are on a downswing, you are more than likely getting it in good and being outdrawn. If the fish never binked hands, they would soon give up and stop playing, leaving you up against more competent opponents. Thats what I keep tellin meself anyway.
Send freechips1 a pm, he had a brutal downswing a few months back that makes yours look insignificant. 5bi`s still hurts me tho.
-5 buyin is great, i wish i only had -5 buyin sessions. Must be over 6 months ago now and i had a major downswing />35 buyins.
I have just had a few days off as last time i played i had a horrid session @30 and 40nl, -9 buyin in about 4/5 hours, i have just spent half hour trying to get up some HH to show you but it dont work, AGAIN.
During this horrid few hours i had AA cracked soooo many times (4 times by QQ, Q on the river 3 times i think) and loads of other runner runner straights, backdoor flush and a few coolers (set vs set and 2nd nut flush vs nut flush)
-5 buyin is nothing to worry about, "keep getting your money in good and you will show a profit" well thats what i keep saying to myself.
The standard of play and aggression has gone up massivly over the past 2 years, making poker very high variance.
I am wondering what it will be like in another 2 years time? will the edge winning players have be so small that only rakeback pros will win?
after looking at my down swings I am pretty sure its my lack of ability to hit the fold button when I know I am beat, you get a bit of a good run and your confidence grows and maybe this effects your folding ..... IMO and most likely I am talking pooh but when I am running hot folds seems easier.
having my second "long" downturn at the moment - currently about a month. I think my roll is down about a quarter now. But last autumn my roll was up 50% in about 2 weeks! and I don't think I'm doing anything different.
the swings do seem to be getting bigger but i've only been playing for about a year and a half.
if you are getting it in good then that's all you can do, but don't forget there is a fold button no matter how hard it is to use it - which has been my mistake
if you need to, take a break or play a tournie/sit & go
GL m8
you mentioned it might be the same 2 or 3 ppl who have reads on you or just better players
Whats your table selection like? sometimes if i can,t find a decent table (players i have reads on or just weaker plaeyrs) i won,t play at all or maybe play some DYM,s , but generally aim for the easier games/tables
if I am up against better players and they are constantly beating me i would just sit out and spend half an hour watching them. i know its boring but a good way to pick up how they play and one final thing would be to mix it up a bit - its an underestimated advantage in my opinion to be unpredictable