Hi guys,
just to let you all know ive been an idiot and not paid the phone bill therefore i got no internets. I will still post my blogs as and when i can, about 1 or 2 per week still.
Also this results in me not being able to play until my line i re-connected. Who knew BT where so evil.
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Who am I going to talk to on msn now??
Sort your money out asap mate.
Seriously like your posts also good blog/ youtube stuff
Ive put out an open challenege locally to anyone who wants to take me heads up, hopefully get some money that way, ive also got a pub which will allow me to use that for hussling peoples money lol. shhhh
if so ill help u out bud
Kind regards
DO NOT DELETE MODS PLEASE Alive posts always dig out don and its not on
Don is a good guy who is having a pretty rough time right now!!
Give it a rest
Hope you sort things out,
top man you don .
Just grow up if you have nothing to say apart from having digs at other people then please just SHUT UP.
Not with Kind Regards Mick.