Result from tonights Vegas Semi Final (( 37 players XBOOTNECK 92500 1 Entry to Vegas Semi - Final rodwell 0 2 Entry to Vegas Semi - Final arthur1969 0 3 Entry to Vegas Semi - Final Glennn 0 4 £84 MAXALLY 0 5 Also just went out the primo semi final in 12th/49 with 9 seats going (( Time for another can! Posted by MAXALLY
Mandyyyyyyyyyyyyy - clinic hand.... the clinic...... and chance of getting it on the tv clinic? ....sooon? .... its interesting (if you'r intereseted in poker hand discussion rather than set over set) "30nl nuts on the turn v solid reg - bet sizing?" - something like that. Posted by DOHHHHHHH
In Response to Re: Tonight's incredibly amazing Mastercash Show Thread with added SPT : sorry mouse didnt know u where there....all of that obviously applies to you just as much.... Posted by jesusdog22
Mandyyyyyyyyyyyyy - clinic hand.... the clinic......
and chance of getting it on the tv clinic?
....sooon? .... its interesting (if you'r intereseted in poker hand discussion rather than set over set)
"30nl nuts on the turn v solid reg - bet sizing?" - something like that.
I'll have a look anyway & maybe use it tomorrow.
(The studio, that is)
But thanks all the same.