This kind of thing ....... in fact exactly this, has been happening for months now.
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalance Small blind 20.0020.002600.00 Big blind 40.0060.001912.50 Your hole cardsQQ elsadogRaise 200.00260.001050.00 Fold Fold DealerFold Fold Call 160.00420.001752.50Flop 988 Check elsadogBet 420.00840.00630.00 Call 420.001260.001332.50Turn 7 Check elsadogAll-in 630.001890.000.00 Call 630.002520.00702.50 Show108 elsadogShowQQ River 6 WinStraight to the 102520.00 3222.50
This was the second time in a matter of minutes that the OP flopped trip 8's against me. When I saw the flop I thought ''no way'' can he have them again. Good raises don't put these guys off on here and that should be good. Problem is they hit just too many times for my liking. I have played the last 5 ME's on Sky and I honestly haven't won a hand. If that was as far as it went then it would be of little or no concern. Problem is I've run like this for over 4 months now and apart from winning a small mtt it's been abysmal. Winning a hand has become my target on Sky and that's just ridiculous. I know I could have got away from this hand but to be honest I couldn't be bothered any more.
So although I'll hang around the forum occasionally I won't be wasting any more money on here from now on. I just don't believe I can run this bad for this long so it's best to ''get me coat'' I reckon. Good luck everyone ........ especially with them miracle flops and river cards.
Uusally when i'm on a losing streak I tend to start playing worse than I normally do which then of course makes my bad run last even longer.
I'm in the same boat!
Lets all agree to leave it to mickjenn, phil12uk, goodylad and massoud
your loosing streak will end i had not had a win for months,was going to give up took a break lost a couple when i came back thought here we go again, played a bounty hunter and had my best win since i started
not a fortune just a nice feeling1