Just befor people say...i will Speak to Customer Support. I am going to but just wanted your opinions. Customer support is offline atm for Work to be done on it. this hand is really werid?
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceyySmall blind 50.0050.001365.00xxBig blind 100.00150.006167.50 Your hole cards35 vvCall 100.00250.003742.50ooFold xxRaise 200.00450.003885.00shaun09Fold yyCall 150.00600.001215.00xxFold vvCall 100.00700.003642.50Flop 10310 yyBet 525.001225.00690.00vvFold xxRaise 1050.002275.002835.00yyCall 525.002800.00165.00Turn 5 yyCheck xxBet 300.003100.002535.00yyFold xxMuck xxWin 2800.00 5335.00xxReturn 300.000.005635.00
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Was it an STT? Can't see chip dumping working in anything else, have to get an incredibly lucky table draw.
Can't see the end of the stack sizes, did YY fold with 1.5 bigs left? If so defo worth flagging up mate.
Edit: I can see now he did just not sharp on the maths on a sat night lol.
Only 3 tables left
Ok it was just abit weird. I think i will still post to CS.
weird but you get that sometimes, i dont think its chip dumping.
as stated usually its from big stack to little stack not this way round, what makes you think of this i have seen similar but dont assume anything other then they're. Was they similar locations? need to look at bigger picture but just looks like idiot play to me
But yeah as said before simplest answer usually the correct one - in this case stupidity.
Surly it works in sats to? Dont really matter what way around it is surly. Altho you would of thought it would be the other way.
they could also be same person giving them a better chance of qualifying?
now thats a great idea ;P would help alot lol