Just want to say thanks to everyone for their support.
That was the toughest tournament field ever assembled on sky and a great structure. This is the first tounament I have played where I feel there was decent play throughout. Every other tournament I have ever played always turns into a crapshoot. Thats one of resons I dont play them, but this was different, a great structure thanks sky.
It is true I dont have a lot of interest in live tournaments, in the last 3 years I have played one. One of the main reasons I entered last night was to test myself against the best players on the site and to get the achievment of winning being number one. Something you dont get from cash play.
I dont know what tournaments I will play but whatever I win I will put 10% in a freeroll for the community. As this has to be one of the best poker communitys going.
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Best of luck to you great result, very tough field aswell so bet you feel great today
Take Care
Seriously, well done, toughest field ever on Sky.
People cant deny that you deserve this opportunity. I know you make a fortune at cash, but you will get to love live mtts im sure!
All the best, and a great gesture