Greetings all (and especially to everyone I met up at Newcastle at the weeeknd),
The powers that be at Sky Poker have bitten the bullet and got me back on the Play the Presenter trail.
The conversation went something like:
Sky Claire: Would you like to get back on Play the Presenter Trevor?
Trevor: Great - I'm presuming this will be cash poker Claire.
Sky Claire: Don't be silly - we want to see if you can play sit n go's as well as cash!
Trevor: Gee thanks!
So the upshot is as follows:
Over the next three Fridays I'll be playing a variety of sit and go's with a maximum buy in of £5. These will be both hold em and omaha and also include some double your money games.
I am starting with a bank of £100 - the challenge is to see whether I can show an overall profit over the three Fridays (15 hopurs of play total from 7pm until midnight).
Your task - should you wish to accept it - is to stop me making any profit and possibly bust me completely!
I will be joining these sit and go's at random so if you are on the site on Friday you'll spot me trying to show that cash players can succeed in sit and go's.
Come and have a go if you think you're hard enough!!!!
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i will try to join in as often as possible, be warned im not often drunk at the tables
Now, was this as above, or, was it WOULD you like to get back on Play the Presenter TREVOR! lol
Nice 1 Mr Harris i shall see you on friday gl all
Ladies & Gents,
Just to remind you that my bankroll challenge begins in just under 2 hours.
Remember - I'm going to playing a variety of sit and goes and double your moneys with a maximum buy in of £5.
Can I make a proft over 3 Fridays play? It's your job to stop me....
See you at the tables.
GL in your quest (BUST HIM SKYBIES!!!!!!)
stts are my favoured discipline, and i play plo, hilo, and nlhe, so im bound to play you at some point.
the 2.25 and 5.50 hilo dyms are good btw, i would suggest playin 1 of these at some point.
Hi all,
Thanks to everyone who played sit n go's with me last night (I think Vince played almost every single one and Greg wasn't far behind).
After a sticky start where the Hoggster ownned me in both the high and low hand in an Omaha hi-lo game my JJ then stood up against his AQ in hold em and I managed a small reward for second in the game.
I-bluff then spanked me again 30 minutes later but a reasonably strong late rally saw me cash in a couple of DYM games so the overall result is:
Down £11 - there is a slight stewards though as I should get £2.20 back for a game where the site was down for a brief time.
Roll on next Friday.