On railing the 3 finals last night it seemed to me that many of the finalists were more interested in the money prizes than winning and becoming part of Team Sky. There were many comments passed in the chat boxes but personally I think it would be the chance of a lifetime (albeit for a short time) if you love this game. This begs the question though did all 3 winners really want to be part of the team?
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Well done to all 3, was thinking last night how much it would be worth for a micros player such as myself. i struggle to hit 1k points and i do play quite often, only way is to play cash. this then leads us onto whether they have bankroll to play cash which i personally wouldn't and i suck so after a bit of thought can understand them preferring the money.
Another thing as 2 of 3 winners didnt understand the full extent of the prize offered maybe it needs to be made more clear by sky. Solidstan who won is unsure at present and i hope if he still doesnt want it they exchange with person who was runner up 4fingers
Kind Regards
Who are the 3 players who won?
Winner takes all tournaments for the seats on the team allows people who don't want the 'spot light' to opt out as their not tempted to play for the cash on offer.
For me it would be a great prize, I'm in a job i don't really want to do, I make enough money through poker to give up my job but I dont want to make the step because of my family. Personally I would of loved to win this so seeing people say they didn't want to win is hard. But well played the guys that won, hope you can utilise this and take down a GUKPT or something.
£700 in cash is more useful to me than a £1K seat. I'm purely a recreational player and will happily continue to be one, not all of us have big aspirations to be a poker pro. I work 6 days a week running a small business, I have young children to whom I dedicate most of my spare time and I have zero interest in being on TV. TSP - not for me thank-you.
Obv though for other players this is a fantastic prize. Personally I think sky should not offer cash prizes for the lower places so that everyone playing is fully committed to joining TSP.
freeroll mtt for mtt players - winner in tsp
freeroll stt for stt players - similar format to the world open/poker million etc
cash players obviously earn too much to want to be considered!
shame as I and I am sure a lot of others would be excited at the prospect on joining tsp
i am sure there are plenty of cash players/mtt/stt that wanted the place on tsp.
Best idea is that Sky Poker have a mobile studio so these poor souls dont have to leave there nice warm houses and Tikay or Rich or whoever can do the show from there front rooms.
Regards Mick.
Donny he has stated already he has 2 children so not the travelling i assume its, leaving family, cost of travel etc(which wont make up in C4P), i actually think for us micros only people who are willing to pay travel expenses etc of their own back and not to bothered about c4p cos £700 is probably greater value(other then tourney entry)
although i would join tomorrow if asked.........