Just for a laugh I have emptied my Account down to the princely sum of £1
I intend to see if I can get this up to £100, and if so how long, it would take me, using Micro SNG's and Free Rolls
As anyone who has ever played me at Poker can testify.... ;o) I am obviously not in this for the money. I play poker for the fun, the social side and the occasional monetary gain.
So I thought this would be a bit of a laugh to see if I can do it. My BR management will be simple...
No more than 100% of BR up to £10 ;O)
No more than 50% of BR up to £50 ;o)
No more than 20% of BR up to £100 ;o)
If it all goes pear shaped then I'll just top up the old account back to what it was before but this should be fun.
I'll keep you posted
See you on the Tables
Actually I lied, B was set at £1.10 so I could enter a Russian Roulette. Won that, BR now £2 first double up achieved... Only 6 more to go ;o)
I,m putting £50 down with an aim to making any profit within the month with another £50 in reserve (but willl not deposit it until the 20th of Jan in case of tilt)
Good to meet another face in person at Newcastle - sry about that bd beat in the £30 deepstack - Unfornately I got up to about 17k after that and made one of the worst folds I,ve ever made in a 20+k and never recovered
I let a cpl of the locals on that table get to me and rushed a decision - a mistake I definately won,t be making again
in the last couple of days and my patience has been wearing thin
in DYM. Going to relax on freerolls for the rest of the month, get as
much prize money as I can and then give this a go.
Is it crucial to record your results on a daily basis?
Hi Jock GL with your challenge btw was good to meet you at Newcastle
Monday £71
Tuesday £101
Wednesday £71 - but luckily played a 6 dollar 44player on another site and won it - 105$
Thursday 90
Friday 96
Saturday Sky BR £116 mainly on small DYMS and micro cash and the odd satelite
Great work so far keep it going m8y