nice one jaegerbomb, i know youve been questioning your ability recently (so you should being knocked out by me in an mtt) but just shows what a small break and a rethink can do for your game. keep it up.
SolarCarro2600001£56.16 + 20 League Pointspealead02£32.66 + 16 League Pointsertikins03£22.88 + 14 League PointsKiwini4u04£18.72 + 12 League Pointsrosjim105£15.18 + 10 League PointsSalad_Face06£12.48 + 8 League Points
Cheers MP33, more luck than skill! Got a lot of good hands early doors!
Heater continues!! 2 Hi Lo results tonight
SolarCarro660001£39.60 + 10 League Pointsalexis7402£24.75 + 8 League Pointsdaverozz03£14.85 + 6 League Pointsjakally04£10.89 + 4 League PointsLEON105£8.91 and gracious defeat to TK!!
tikay1340001£42.50SolarCarro02£25.50 + 16 League PointsGREGHOGG03£17 + 12 League Points TKP 1 and 3!!
hi mighty knights 2 results won last nights double stack 09/03/11 just won a £50 rebuy 10/03/11 thanks to all who railed the final table last night onwards and upwards mighty knights Posted by sara36dd08
Gotta say I was v.suprised when you said you were knocking it on the head - Far to good a player as your results tonight show
hi knights
3 results to post
2nd in the 5.15 £22 bounty hunter yesterday
3rd in the 5.15 £22 bounty hunter today
1st in the £50 rebuy today
on wards and upwards knights see you in luton
congrates to jaegerplop top result nice one
hi all
just won the £50 rebuy 04/3/11
got 5th last night behind dollie in the tsp classic
was nice to be knocked out by such a gent nice one dollie
so onwards and upwards mighty knights
2nd in the super sunday 6/03/11
SirSolar takes down Take on Tikay!!
SolarCarro2600001£56.16 + 20 League Pointspealead02£32.66 + 16 League Pointsertikins03£22.88 + 14 League PointsKiwini4u04£18.72 + 12 League Pointsrosjim105£15.18 + 10 League PointsSalad_Face06£12.48 + 8 League Points
Heater continues!! 2 Hi Lo results tonight
SolarCarro660001£39.60 + 10 League Pointsalexis7402£24.75 + 8 League Pointsdaverozz03£14.85 + 6 League Pointsjakally04£10.89 + 4 League PointsLEON105£8.91
and gracious defeat to TK!!
tikay1340001£42.50SolarCarro02£25.50 + 16 League PointsGREGHOGG03£17 + 12 League Points
TKP 1 and 3!!
09/03/11 won £500 bounty hunter
finished 5th in the open last night the 8th/03/11
In Response to Re: The Official TKP Winners Thread.3: hey great result
just won another £500 bounty hunter 2 in a night good result for me
onwards and upwards mighty knights
capt trips can you remind me about your chips for luton please
2nd in the 20.45 £2.30 B/H for £41
hi mighty knights
2 results
won last nights double stack 09/03/11
just won a £50 rebuy 10/03/11
thanks to all who railed the final table last night
onwards and upwards mighty knights
wd was touch and go a couple of times lol
In Response to Re: The Official TKP Winners Thread.3: