Only the one for me, mostly because I run away screaming from KQ and KJ type hands ( Played in a live tourney in Manchester once. Only about 70 runners, two Royals (none for me) in one night!!!
Funny thing was, the first one only made 75 chips...
And the second one knocked my mate out when he had Acess full )
Got one last night at 40NL, that's my third. It was most welcome too...I was 2.5 BIs down to a TOTAL madman who was 6x raising or open shoving two out of three hands and luckboxing time and again. I felted an opponent with the royal to double up, which gave me the chips to take the madman's ill-gotten gains within a couple of hands and get well back into the black. Loving life
i only doubled up on the live one tho
here is mine on sky tv......
Played in a live tourney in Manchester once. Only about 70 runners, two Royals (none for me) in one night!!!
Funny thing was, the first one only made 75 chips...
And the second one knocked my mate out when he had Acess full
No Royals :-(
Although i have made two straight flushes, unfortunately i'd folded pre both times :-(!
also seen one in the middle
Doubt you could find Buckingham Palace anyway, even with the sat nav on your iphone.
I heard taxi's in London are expensive.