It's a real struggle to get enough players together for a good game of Omaha/hi-lo. Should Sky Poker being showing more omaha on the TV? Is Omaha worth showing on the TV? Personally, I recently discovered omaha and I bloomin' well love it. Posted by MrLinuxSir
I dont think they have the software to show Omaha, and, unfortuntely, there never seems to be enough interest in watching Omaha.
It's a real struggle to get enough players together for a good game of Omaha/hi-lo. Should Sky Poker being showing more omaha on the TV? Is Omaha worth showing on the TV? Personally, I recently discovered omaha and I bloomin' well love it. Posted by MrLinuxSir
Hi MrLinux.
The correct answer is probably "no", but we did try, & there did not seem to be much interest.
It's not currently likely that we will Televise it, either - not enough people understand it, to be honest, & it is, & always will be, a minority interest, & we are obliged to cater for the majority on 865.
Personally, if I had to decide to play one only ONE format of Online Poker for evermore, I'd play PL Hi-Lo, but life ain't like that, I'm afraid. Pot Limit is a thing of exquisite beauty & skill, imo.
If you ever fancy some Hi-Lo Cash or Tourneys, just Post a Thread up, & if I'm Online (& I am most nights) & not playing more than 2 or three Tourneys, I'm ALWAYS up for some Hi-Lo. And once I sit at a Hi-Lo Table, the boys smell the value, & the Table soon fills.
Over to you, Mr Linux. Careful though, I can read you like an open book. Or source......
I only found PLOHL recently and have been bitten by the bug. I find it far more entertaining and demanding than hold'em. My logic is if more people are exposed to it then maybe more will get hooked like me. I hate to say it but the struggle to find plo games on sky might drive those of us who do play it to other sites.
Also, is it worth thinking about having lower buy-in DYMs etc to attract new players.
If you're ever in the Portsmouth area then give me a shout, the doors always open and the kettles ready and waiting. I could use a few lessons from the master ;o). I know of at least one other chap in the area (Stupendous) who I'm sure would be up for a game of PLO.
Thanks Tikay. I'll keep an eye out for you. I only found PLOHL recently and have been bitten by the bug. I find it far more entertaining and demanding than hold'em. My logic is if more people are exposed to it then maybe more will get hooked like me. I hate to say it but the struggle to find plo games on sky might drive those of us who do play it to other sites. Also, is it worth thinking about having lower buy-in DYMs etc to attract new players. If you're ever in the Portsmouth area then give me a shout, the doors always open and the kettles ready and waiting. I could use a few lessons from the master ;o). I know of at least one other chap in the area (Stupendous) who I'm sure would be up for a game of PLO. Nice ref to Open Source. Rock on! Posted by MrLinuxSir
Glad at least one person noticed the "open source" gag!
I'll be Online most of this Evening, so as soon as I'm out of most of my Tourneys, (I'm playing the 8pm, 8.30pm, & 9pm ones) I'll be on the Hi-Lo Tables. Let me know what Blind Levels you are comfy with, & I'll sit in accordingly.
If I'm already playing another Hi-Lo Table, come find me, & I'll come across to your Table. I'll be playing as "tikay1" tonight.
Cheers tikay, I tend to stick to the low blinds at the moments being a novice and all that. I'll be on around 9pm once we've go tthe kids to bed. Laters Posted by MrLinuxSir
Low blinds, fine by me. We play da pokerz for da funz!
I need to play the bulk of my Tourneys before I start Hi-Lo, so I may be late. Then again, maybe not.
By the bye, when I multi-Table Hi-Lo, I struggle to chat at the Table, too much going on, I hope you understand.
I've been meaning to start a thread on this for a while now but like everything it's one of those 'i'll get round to it soon' jobbies!!!!
Anyway...I was wondering if Tikay could ask the suits to change one of the daily freerolls to omaha..this will allow more people to become familier to the basics and subtleties of the game without costing them anything but poker points....
Ooooooo nice one Linux...and welcome!!! I've been meaning to start a thread on this for a while now but like everything it's one of those 'i'll get round to it soon' jobbies!!!! Anyway...I was wondering if Tikay could ask the suits to change one of the daily freerolls to omaha..this will allow more people to become familier to the basics and subtleties of the game without costing them anything but poker points.... Worth asking IMO xx Posted by TRIP5
A remarkable & uncharacteristically good idea from you Miss Manky.
Remind me Monday, & I'll send it upstairs.
PS - Please PM me your e-Addy, or write to me "elsewhere", as I cant cope with the volume of PM's on this Community software, sorry.
In Response to Re: Is Sky Poker doing enough to promote Omaha? : A remarkable & uncharacteristically good idea from you Miss Manky. Remind me Monday, & I'll send it upstairs. PS - Please PM me your e-Addy, or write to me "elsewhere", as I cant cope with the volume of PM's on this Community software, sorry. Posted by Tikay10
Been waiting to send you a PM for days now...was just waiting to read somewhere that you've 'caught up'
In Response to Re: Is Sky Poker doing enough to promote Omaha? : Been waiting to send you a PM for days now...was just waiting to read somewhere that you've 'caught up' xx Posted by TRIP5
Jeez, I wish.
But I need a "central address" to write & thank everyone for last Friday's amazing gesture, so I hoped to use you as the communication "spoke".
Honest to God, I nearly burst into tears. It was an extraordinary gesture, & I'll never forget it whilst I have breath in my body.
I dont think they have the software to show Omaha, and, unfortuntely, there never seems to be enough interest in watching Omaha.
If they show it, more people become aware of it therefore more people will play it?
Come on Sky, show some Omaha cash!
It's one of those electric organ thingies.
Like every good idea though, if it does not come from a sky poker love child, then nobody at sky gives a fuckk.
right now..................
The correct answer is probably "no", but we did try, & there did not seem to be much interest.
It's not currently likely that we will Televise it, either - not enough people understand it, to be honest, & it is, & always will be, a minority interest, & we are obliged to cater for the majority on 865.
Personally, if I had to decide to play one only ONE format of Online Poker for evermore, I'd play PL Hi-Lo, but life ain't like that, I'm afraid. Pot Limit is a thing of exquisite beauty & skill, imo.
If you ever fancy some Hi-Lo Cash or Tourneys, just Post a Thread up, & if I'm Online (& I am most nights) & not playing more than 2 or three Tourneys, I'm ALWAYS up for some Hi-Lo. And once I sit at a Hi-Lo Table, the boys smell the value, & the Table soon fills.
Over to you, Mr Linux. Careful though, I can read you like an open book. Or source......
I only found PLOHL recently and have been bitten by the bug. I find it far more entertaining and demanding than hold'em. My logic is if more people are exposed to it then maybe more will get hooked like me. I hate to say it but the struggle to find plo games on sky might drive those of us who do play it to other sites.
Also, is it worth thinking about having lower buy-in DYMs etc to attract new players.
If you're ever in the Portsmouth area then give me a shout, the doors always open and the kettles ready and waiting. I could use a few lessons from the master ;o). I know of at least one other chap in the area (Stupendous) who I'm sure would be up for a game of PLO.
Nice ref to Open Source. Rock on!
I'll be Online most of this Evening, so as soon as I'm out of most of my Tourneys, (I'm playing the 8pm, 8.30pm, & 9pm ones) I'll be on the Hi-Lo Tables. Let me know what Blind Levels you are comfy with, & I'll sit in accordingly.
If I'm already playing another Hi-Lo Table, come find me, & I'll come across to your Table. I'll be playing as "tikay1" tonight.
I tend to stick to the low blinds at the moments being a novice and all that. I'll be on around 9pm once we've go tthe kids to bed.
I need to play the bulk of my Tourneys before I start Hi-Lo, so I may be late. Then again, maybe not.
By the bye, when I multi-Table Hi-Lo, I struggle to chat at the Table, too much going on, I hope you understand.
I've been meaning to start a thread on this for a while now but like everything it's one of those 'i'll get round to it soon' jobbies!!!!
Anyway...I was wondering if Tikay could ask the suits to change one of the daily freerolls to omaha..this will allow more people to become familier to the basics and subtleties of the game without costing them anything but poker points....
Worth asking IMO
@Trip5 - I think the freeroll idea is an excellent one and worth pushing for.
Remind me Monday, & I'll send it upstairs.
PS - Please PM me your e-Addy, or write to me "elsewhere", as I cant cope with the volume of PM's on this Community software, sorry.
Been waiting to send you a PM for days now...was just waiting to read somewhere that you've 'caught up'
But I need a "central address" to write & thank everyone for last Friday's amazing gesture, so I hoped to use you as the communication "spoke".
Honest to God, I nearly burst into tears. It was an extraordinary gesture, & I'll never forget it whilst I have breath in my body.