I have only been playing here for 2 weeks yet Im sick to death already of people continuosly sitting away while playing a tournament. For example I was on a table with 4 people sitting away, how the **** am I supposed to play/progress in that instance.
There should be a time limit to this, say if your sat away for 5 hands in a tournament then you should be booted from the room!
People pay money to enter tournaments so why sit away, you know what time your tournament is, you know what time your breaks are so during a tournament there is no need to have an'AWAY' option. You just lose your money if you dont wanna play or miss the tournament start
Why should I pay money to enter a tournament and get no play because of the idiots that sit away all the time.
If this isnt address soon I will take my business and play else where, I know of other peole sick of this aswell
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OK then expalin to me why they need to sit away?
if there away treat them as if their not there until they sit back in, try to nick their blinds aswell if you can
In response to all your points, dont register if your not there to play, not a priority for you, if sat out for more that 5 hands you lose your table place, end of.
whats the point of tournament play if they dont play, its frustrating for players that actually want to play.
and in response to point 2, what if everyone thought that way and sat out?
at the end of the day the away option should not be valid if you are away for 5 hands, maybe 10 and you should be removed from the tournament
people pay for their buy in so they can use it how they like if they choose to sit out, i personally dont and love to play on a table with at least 1 away as its near enough free chips and can be used to your advantage
I was reffering to the smaller tournament buy ins, I should have made that a bit more clear!
I have actually turned to cash games now cause the tournament away option has just got to me now, like I said if you wanna stay sat away, dont play/enter, it really gets to me, you wouldnt have it in live tournaments, just cause its online it should be no different
i think you will find you do have this in live tournaments people can get up from the table and walk around do what they want and come back when they want they will just carry on to be blinded as if they were sat there no one can tell you what to do with YOUR money
Who do you think you are to tell someone how to play with their own money?
Maxally has it spot on.
Omg did i actually say that!
Do you think they would make the cash bubble before the blinds got over there starting stacks????
2. "away" function helps in many different ways.
i. tilt your opponent because he hates to see the "away" function
ii. decides his stomach hurts an needs 10 mins of "private" time to relieve said pressure "rollyeyes"
iii. might have kids and has to whoop them upside the head with the naughty hammer because they will not sleep.
iv. just doesn't like the first level of play because they get sucked into losing chips from "luckbox's"
v. someone just turned up at his/her door and won't leave them alone hence why they are "away"
3. ways to deal with the elusive "away" player
i. min raise - whoop you just stole there blind and they folded :O
ii. remember no phear when playing an "away" player they are so scared they will fold immediately when someone shows strength of any kind.
iii. if you are scared of an away player "call" and then throw a sneaky min raise when they are not looking it will throw them right off but they WILL fold i promise.
4. what would you prefer ? an away player or a maniac ALWAYS re raising you and taking all your chips because you are scared to death of losing your chips ?.
5. end of the day people pay their money to play a tournament, if a person is "away" they have a reason stop getting so up tight about it and just play your game against the "active" players at your table these "away" players will blind out eventually and you can have some easy laddered places as they will not last the tournament.
out of boredom i sharkscoped him.
he played the 50 quid freeroll at like midnite with 300 runners
day before he played another freeroll about 8/9pm with 1100 runners.
so basically he is having a corinary over people being "away" in "freerolls"
I've been in poker a very long time, but every day I still see things which shock me, amaze me, & make my eyes bleed.
Incred thread. Ends, as so many do, with "SKY POKER SORT IT OUT". Quite so, Sir, quite so. Sky Poker will change the universal Rules of Poker just for you.
And yet we've seen a hundred or more similar threads. Whatever next? - people complaining that they can't play on Sky Poker because "the players are so bad". Oh, wait.....
PS - I am frequently one of the "idiots who sit out".
[ ] I sure feel guilty about that.
PPS - Using the same logic, when we visit the Cinema, must we watch the Film? If I go to a Football match, will I be lambasted if I arrive late, or leave early?
Peeps can & do give me grief over all sorts of things, sometimes deservedly, but if anyone wants to tell me how I should spend my money, gg them!
PPPS - The Voting says it all! The most one-sided Vote ever on Sky Community?
If it makes him feel any better he should know that we have all at some point wished we said nothing.