Afternoon all. Remember me, I used to Post here? Sooooooo busy!
Anyway, some news for you, if it's not already been Posted.
There are now weekly Quarter Finals & Semi-Finals into the Monthly Sky Sports £220 DS big jobbie-wobbie.
TONIGHT, at 18.30 (6.30pm) there is a £10.50 Quarter Final. There are NO entries at present. 1 in 5 win a seat into the Semi-Final.
TONIGHT, at 21.30, there is a £48 Semi-final. There are TWO entries at present (DELTA & conorshay1). 1 in 5 win a seat into the Event proper.
The monthly £220 will take place on Thursday 27th of January. The value is already in - I'll be playing it.
You gotta be in it to win it.
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Good luck bluffy.
This should widen the net & enable more of the regular guys to take a shot at the Biggie.
i think i will give these a miss
as i have a seat through the leaguestars game wweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
see u on the 27th tk mate
gl all
I hope to be able to pass on some good news about this very shortly, which will tick almost every box for those that have Posted on this Thread.
Some details are just being sorted, & as soon as they are - maybe even today - I'll ship the word.
As I said yesterday, I sent your question straight to Suit-Ville.
When the news came through today that they were sorting out a new Schedule, I immediately wrote to HO & asked them if they planned to transfer your Entry to the planned Semi-Final.
Once I hear back, I'll be in touch again. The Semi is not for another week or two, so far as I recall, so there's time to sort it.
The Tourney Lobby you are looking at is NOT the correct one - that reflects the OLD schedule.
Trust me, I'm a quack.