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penguin7penguin7 Member Posts: 1,095
edited January 2011 in Poker Chat
Yes after smoking for over 40 years I am determined to quit and I am now on my 6th nicotine free day.

But it is not easy. Apart from constantly eating and inability to sleep through a night, I am playing some terrible poker, having no patience with the game at all.

It would probably be a good idea to forget poker and go back to driving my coach for a bit, but that is going to be a major test of my not smoking, as it is almost second nature to light up on pulling in to a motorway services ! And I am not sure if I am ready for that yet.

And I need to qualify for both Luton and the Vegas final soon.

Any tips from successful ex smokers welcomed !



  • SoLackSoLack Member Posts: 2,737
    edited January 2011
    I thought it was the law that all coach drivers had to smoke?
  • SoLackSoLack Member Posts: 2,737
    edited January 2011

    Ah yes, the first six dys was the worst for me, so don't give up giving up now

  • PenFifteenPenFifteen Member Posts: 429
    edited January 2011
    Yes after smoking for over 40 years I am determined to quit and I am now on my 6th nicotine free day. But it is not easy. Apart from constantly eating and inability to sleep through a night, I am playing some terrible poker, having no patience with the game at all. It would probably be a good idea to forget poker and go back to driving my coach for a bit, but that is going to be a major test of my not smoking, as it is almost second nature to light up on pulling in to a motorway services ! And I am not sure if I am ready for that yet. And I need to qualify for both Luton and the Vegas final soon. Any tips from successful ex smokers welcomed !
    Posted by penguin7
    Hi Penguin

    Good luck.

    I gave up December 2009, and apart from one Hamlet during the summer, have managed to avoid the ciggies.

    I actually found poker good to take my mind of things. 

    Also, for the first 4 weeks or so, avoided things that I associated with smoking ( Pubs, Going out for meals etc )

    After that, I got a non-smoking friend of mine to remind me not to pop outside when other friends were.

    Not sure what they cost these days, but I was on 20+ a day, so have saved a fortune ( well - paid Sky Poker a fortune ! )

    Good luck sir

  • penguin7penguin7 Member Posts: 1,095
    edited January 2011
    I thought it was the law that all coach drivers had to smoke?
    Posted by SoLack
    Very true but I think the law also says we should wear white socks with our black shoes, have a bus drivers badge on our belts and our keys attached to us by a chain.

    I fail with all of these but if I do succeed in giving up smoking I am sure I can develop a beer belly of the required proportions !
  • DazlerDazler Member Posts: 3,970
    edited January 2011
    Im planning on giving up but need something to do with my hands and apart from the obvious i reckon ill be playin a lot more poker while i quit. But good luck with it i know how hard it is :)
  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited January 2011

    Good luck in your quest Tony!

  • lozgolozgo Member Posts: 1,124
    edited January 2011
    Good luck to you sir.
    I know how hard it is to give up...and how hard it is to keep the weight from piling on. Managed the first but not the second!!!!
    Sugar free lollipops for the win!
  • 68Trebor68Trebor Member Posts: 1,944
    edited January 2011

     I was a 20+ a day man for 20 years and gave up 3 years ago. From what I remember the first 10 days were the hardest and then it starts to get easier, so you are nearly there. Whatever you do don't fall into the trap of I will just have one. You can't just have 1. Good Luck.
  • FINSFINS Member Posts: 1,080
    edited January 2011
    6 days without a ciggie!! after 40 years wow great achievement mate.
    Giving up the cigs is extremely difficult after smoking for so long.I myself gave up 3 months ago after smoking for 25 years in the end i was on 40 a day,i used nicorette gum which helped me,I know how hard it is but trust me it will get better,
    As for the pokers all i can say is that it did affect me,i carried on playing as normal,but was getting frustrated and not playing well at all for the first few weeks of not smoking,really amazing how much nicotine affects you,
    Good luck with it anyway mate Fin.

  • xDECISIONxxDECISIONx Member Posts: 30
    edited January 2011
    Whats the best substitute for the ciggs? I tried an inhaler but it dosnt really work but want to give up.
    Sorry i know this isnt poker related but any info would be great. Good luck on giving up penguin, you got further than me mate.
  • ACBRO67ACBRO67 Member Posts: 86
    edited January 2011
    I pack the cigs in on Tuesday.

    Made myself the date cos I knew it wouldn't work over Xmas and knew tomorrow is Derby Day (LFC v EFC).

    Made the decision when my daughter drew me a poster saying

    ' Daddy , I don't want you to die, stop smoking!'
  • EyemanEyeman Member Posts: 1,039
    edited January 2011
    I think you should, Tony. Give the rest of us a chance. Good luck. Filthy habit.
  • tapewormtapeworm Member Posts: 432
    edited January 2011
    Use 4mg nicotine gum - it takes the edge off and does not damage your health!!

    Well until they report in 30 years time that Nicotine gum causes all sorts of oral thrush that is......
  • penguin7penguin7 Member Posts: 1,095
    edited January 2011
    Thanks for all your support guys ! I have been on 40 a day for years. Just think I could pay my own way to Vegas a few times with all that money I have spent!

    Job done tonight though, cruised through to Vegas semi and then crept in to qualify for Luton as well.

    Its tough but I got to stick with it, only been less than a week but I am feeling better for it already.

    Good luck to anyone else giving it a go.

  • ACBRO67ACBRO67 Member Posts: 86
    edited January 2011
    I've got an electric cig..and asked my daughter to me a few more pictures

    Gonna take the pics to work and use them to remind me why I'm here....
  • JockBMWJockBMW Member Posts: 2,653
    edited January 2011
    I've never smoked Tony, so hats off to you mate, it must be ****.

    They do say the first 7 days are the worst.  Keep it up 
  • POKERTREVPOKERTREV Member Posts: 9,607
    edited January 2011
    Yes after smoking for over 40 years I am determined to quit and I am now on my 6th nicotine free day. But it is not easy. Apart from constantly eating and inability to sleep through a night, I am playing some terrible poker, having no patience with the game at all. It would probably be a good idea to forget poker and go back to driving my coach for a bit, but that is going to be a major test of my not smoking, as it is almost second nature to light up on pulling in to a motorway services ! And I am not sure if I am ready for that yet. And I need to qualify for both Luton and the Vegas final soon. Any tips from successful ex smokers welcomed !
    Posted by penguin7
    The only successful way to give up smoking is to change your habbits - YES - Smoking is a habbit I hear you say, but what you need to do is, change things that usually lead to having a smoke.

    Easy things to look out for:
    If stopping your coach usually leads to having a ciggy, then you need to find something else to do and make a habbit of it - for instance, go into the service station instead of lighting up and buy yourself a packet of chewing gum. Buy yourself a paper to read at your next stop.

    OH - I'm sure the craving will start as soon as you set off again - but thats what the chewing gums for.

    Read the headlines whilst your in the sevice station, but don't read the rest and whilst your driving, think of all things that might be in the paper that you just bought, this will arrouse your curiosity and inhibit your desire for a smoke - whats in the sports section? whats on page 3? I wonder what my horroscope says? etc etc. The next thing you know, looking in the paper at your next stop will be a bigger priority than smoking.
    You will soon find yourself opening up the paper at your next stop and having a look before you think of lighting up.

    If you usually have a smoke after a cup of tea or coffee at a certain times of the day, then stop drinking it and find something else to do instead. Buy a poker magazine and read that instead.

    Do we have a ciggy during the break when we play poker?
    If so, put yourself a little treat in the fridge ready for that 5min break and have that instead - Don't worry about putting on a little weight, its healthier than smoking according to my doctor and its amazing how much we want to keep fit and exercise once we have stopped smoking.

    Most importantly - Remember this..................

    Smoking is a habbit...................but its our habbits that continue to make us smoke.

    Good Luck.

  • OMahonyOOMahonyO Member Posts: 1,883
    edited January 2011
    Interesting thread.

    I have tried to give up smoking countless times.  I`m going to have another go this Monday.  Personally, I really think it would be good for me to give up poker for a couple of weeks while trying to pack in the cigs.  Its all about association.  When I started playing cards, it was 3 card brag in the pub, this would lead to late lockins and all the beer and cigs that go with that.
    I think it is for that reason that I have associated cards, beer, cigs together.  They all go hand in hand.  It is a vicious circle, which for me has transferred online.  When I play poker, I feel I need a beer, or many.  This then really makes me want to smoke.
    I really believe, if I didnt play poker, then giving up smoking would be so much easier, hence cutting down on beer intake would also be much easier.
    Taking things that make you feel better/healthier while giving up is also good, actimel drinks, and berocca every day invigorate you.
    Also, as for patches.  They are good.  I use the 24hr patches, but will take them off at night before bed, as the dreams they produce are insane.  Its like having a second life while you are sleeping.  Then put on a new one as soon as you wake up.

    Good luck
    edited January 2011
    hi Tony ,i gave up for 2 months, 4 years ago ,it was **** for the first 2 weeks ,cravings for a f ag after food ,breaktimes in work ,having a pint ,cup of tea in the mornings etc etc .......was i craving for a fa g ,or was it just a habit of my every day life ?most of the cravings that you get are habits ,ive smoked since i was 12,im 40 now and im still smoking ,,,,like i said i did give up for 2 months,my biggest downfall was the pub ,it got me everytime ,,,,,,so this time ,i stayed well away ,and after 2 weeks of **** ,i was cured ,no more cravings ,i went down the pub ,no problem at all ,i was over it ,i couldn't believe it ,i had actually done it ......then my downfall came ,i was down the pub ,wetting the baby's head ,and my m8 offered me a cigar ,,,,,,i thought about it ,then i thought about it again,then i came too the conclusion that its a cigar, its not a cigarette,i will be fine ,i will just have the one and be done with it ,later that night after a few beers ,i smoked ALLl the cigars in the pub ,and the rest is history ,,im back smoking ,and im so, so annoyed with myself ,because the first time in my life **** did not have a hold on me,i could go outside the pub ,all my m8s there smoking ,and i had no temptation to have one ,so ,stick with it Tony ,stay away from habits in ur life ,and do the 2 weeks ,trust me ,you will get over it ,and remember ,cigars are exactly the same as **** ,don't do what i did :( m8
  • a00rocka00rock Member Posts: 832
    edited January 2011

    Hi Tony
    I smoked for over 30 years about 20 a day my weight was around 13 stone. I replaced cigs with gum 1st but didn't really get on with this so I switched to nicotine Lozenges and am now addicted to them lol but I guess its better than smoking. I stopped around 5 .5 years ago and my weight gradually increased to max 18 stone. I'm now going to the Gym 3 times a week and my weight is gradually going down lost around a stone and half so far but aim to get back to my fighting weight of 13 stone, I also found when smoking I smoked more while on the puter not even realising how many I was getting through sometimes 30 a day so I layed off gaming online for a while, the craving was certainly worse when gaming. A  pack of lozenges costs around £12 and lasts me around 10 days so miles cheaper than smoking and far less harmful so I would recommend these if you feel the need for a replacement. The other good thing is you can have your fix anywhere without having to stand outside in the rain/cold at the pub or in public places.
    Best of luck with it mate I know how hard it can be and yes I still fancy a cig 5.5 years on.


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