I'm sick and tired of this rain. The weekend has just got here and it's thunder this and lightning that. I'm serious sky, if you don't stop all this wetness soon I won't use you anymore. I'll leave all my lights on all day, I won't acknowledge the shirts of Man City or Coventry, I won't look up.
Ok, I'm now going to stand on my roof and shake my fist at you for a bit.
On a serious note guys, can we limit the requests to change everything instantly on this board. There are intelligent and more productive ways to go about suggesting changes. In the dedicated forum perhaps or if you have a problem then try Customer Services first. And if things don't change in a week, don't go off on one. SkyPoker is one of the very few sites that actually give the community a voice. Please let's not abuse it.
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Tommy, I think I love you, & we should have kids.
Who's gonna be Mum?
No satirical threads please, unless they are started by Solly!:)
Something I've been feeling for a while, the forum has become a bit of a pinata lately with people smacking it with a ton of negativity. This should be a great place for banter, brags, funny moans and calling Phil a luckbox. Some negative threads are expected and frankly needed to keep the balance I just think we need to try and pull it back a bit.
More Phil12uk is a luckbox threads please!!!
Less of the other stuff innit.
There's a bit of a disconnect between the whole design purpose of the Community, & what people think it is. THIS is our Community, where we have da funz, Customer Care is over there />>>>>>>
Hence, & with great sadness, I now spend less time on here, as my life is ticking away while I repeatedly read "SORT IT OUT SKY". If I wanted to be nagged, I'd marry Irene.*
* Some parts of this Post may be a slight fib.
Irishrover told me that was the best way to grab attention!:)
Eat your soup...put onions in everything-they're great for diets....smoke less..sleep more..start referring to Orford as 'er in doors' and get a personal dresser!!!
Cheaper than a wedding and just as naggy...I like it :oD
Winston Churchill was a great writer & orater. He strongly believed that to capture people's attention, you use SHORT Sentences. And SHORT words. And SNAPPY titles. OK, I lied about snappy titles. That's just my thinking.
I never open Threads which have those bizarrely long titles - I have no need, the Post is in the title! Seems a bit pointless to me.
So I'm sorry, but your thread may have 90 replies, but not from me, as I've not opened it.
Sorry, it's just how I roll.
BIG thanks for last Friday. e-Mail to follow soon.
If i change the title to 2 syllables will you skim read it? actually, on second thoughts, you prob shouldn't it will tilt u, 75% of the posts on that thread were mine lol.
I'm not digging you out mate, you knows I lovez ya! I think you're a great poster on the forum, it's all good mate. Anyway it's not just that thread, there have been quite a number of late.
Let's make this place fun! It's our house after all.
P.S. I think there's a correlation between hitting your flush draw and being Welsh. Was watching Dai and Dyl a little while ago and they're not missing. I would also suggest Phil checks his family tree for unknown Cardiff relatives...