Some confusion has arisen.
A good guy just PM'd me to say he inadvertently misled peeps last night by repeatedly suggesting "tikay1" was not, err, me.
I noticed it last night, & was not sure if he was being serious, to be honest, as he is capable of "making moves", but there were other things to worry about last night....
for those in doubt, "tikay1" & "TIKAY10" are one & the same.
And if anyone has any questions as to why that is, & if it's OK, ask away. I'lll be Offline from tonight until Monday, but pretty much everyone here knows the score, it's all squeaky clean.
One thing I do need to caution you about is a player who has the alias "TonyKendel".
Apart from the name being incorrectly spelt, please be aware, that is NOT me.
I do know the Gent, he's from next door, & his intentions are totally innocent. But it is NOT me.
One Tony Kendall, there is only one Tony Kendall......
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ummmm so you have 2 accouts
multi accouter multi accouter
mods please ban as this is clearly a breach of the rules
youve been caught
I HATE playing with Sky's money, or anyone else's money, come to that. So I play uber-tight on TIKAY10. (Never had the original roll topped up or replaced, either).
On tikay1, my personal account, I just play ordinary-tight.
PS - I ONLY use TIKAY10 on PTP evenings, 1 night per week,. but I use it almost all the time for Forum Posting.
My "tikay1" Forum Posts arise when I am playing on my own account, & dealing with Forum stuff, as I was last night, as I cannot have the two accounts open at the same time.
thanks tikay10, that explains two of you. but where have all the others gone? are tikay2, tikay3 to tikay9 still banned from the site for a repeated offence? have they all been returned to the doppelganger store? mind you, i heard that tikay9 was particularly youthful and breathtakingly handsome whilst tikay10 had aged terribly alone in the attic and had become quite ugly.
just out of interest which is your br bigger in sky or personal?
and which has had the biggest win on it
Also, for avoidance of doubt,....
Richard Orford is actually Richard Bacon.
LML is actually Sarah Champion.
There were at least 10 Tikay's playing at Newcastle last week.
All the Welsh players on here are related.
Oh, and Jaegerbomb and Trip5 are a husband and wife duo but no one knows for sure who actually wears the trousers.
How disrespectful!!!! You do realise SHE'S a SCOTTISH don't you???
Pfffftttt back to ordinance survey studies for you maxxy-boy
3 out of 10...must try harder!!!!