"Celebrities" that get my goat (in order of annoyance)...... 1. Actor, and I use that term VERY loosely, Danny Dyer - I hate his fake sounding gravelly voice and his acting skills are non-existent in my opinion. 2. Footballer, Christiano Ronaldo - no reason other than he sooooo loves himself, and he has one of those faces I just want to slap 3. TV Presenter, and I use that term VERY loosely, Richard Orford - for the disparaging way he talks about me on air. Enough said. ENJOY THE SHOW PEEPS!! Posted by Sky_Mandy
Tikay, Cant Sky start a new compo by joining up all the spots on Orfords face with a black marker pen. They could call it Spot the Presenter and the person who comes up with the best answer for what the completed patten looks like wins one of your SPOT prizes.
I've said it once and i'll say it again......Miley Cyrus!!!!!! Over-hyped. average looking and less than average talent!!! What do people see in her????
ps... Good luck Wayne, having to put up with the two Mad-men!
In Response to Re: Saturday Night Live- with Rich, Tikay and Gliterbabe! : Hi Jonny - they will be scattered in parts throughout the show- tune in at 9pm and we will show you the rought timings of all the clips. You can also see a half-hour compilation of all the SPT Newcastle footage at 8pm Saturday 22nd January on Sky Poker channel 865. Posted by Sky_Mandy
Tikay, Cant Sky start a new compo by joining up all the spots on Orfords face with a black marker pen. They could call it Spot the Presenter and the person who comes up with the best answer for what the completed patten looks like wins one of your SPOT prizes. "CAN YOU GUESS WHAT IT IS YET " Regards Mick. Posted by chew07
Previously attempted HERE but we ended up with a Nick Cotton / Ed Giddins hybrid.
In Response to Re: Saturday Night Live- with Rich, Tikay and Gliterbabe! : Previously attempted HERE but we ended up with a Nick Cotton / Ed Giddins hybrid. Posted by Machka
I don't even have to look, a little m0u5e told me what this was, and OMG that was scarily Giddins-esque.
I've said it once and i'll say it again......Miley Cyrus!!!!!! Over-hyped. average looking and less than average talent!!! What do people see in her???? ps... Good luck Wayne, having to put up with the two Mad-men! Posted by lozgo
Good shout, even though I still fancy her a bit, the way she just talks and talks and talks does my head in, The lass never shuts up.
Good call with Piers Morgan and Jordan too, they both drive me mad. Piers is so smug and Jordan looks awful, seems to get married every week and loves herself way too much. I can't stand any of these women who seem to just be famous for being famous too. They also only ever seem to have one facial expression that looks like a fish getting electrocuted. I'm talking about women like Victoria Beckham, Paris Hilton etc.
In Response to Re: Saturday Night Live- with Rich, Tikay and Gliterbabe! : During the first hour we will be looking at the 10p/20p, 25p/50p and 50p/£1 levels, and then we hit The Big Game tables. Posted by Sky_Mandy
"Celebrities" that get my goat (in order of annoyance)......

1. Actor, and I use that term VERY loosely, Danny Dyer - I hate his fake sounding gravelly voice and his acting skills are non-existent in my opinion.
2. Footballer, Christiano Ronaldo - no reason other than he sooooo loves himself, and he has one of those faces I just want to slap
3. TV Presenter, and I use that term VERY loosely, Richard Orford - for the disparaging way he talks about me on air. Enough said.
you still woulda tho eh??? esp the last one!
Cant Sky start a new compo by joining up all the spots on Orfords face with a black marker pen.
They could call it Spot the Presenter and the person who comes up with the best answer for what the completed patten looks like wins one of your SPOT prizes.
Regards Mick.
ps... Good luck Wayne, having to put up with the two Mad-men!
You can also see a half-hour compilation of all the SPT Newcastle footage at 8pm Saturday 22nd January on Sky Poker channel 865.
donald trump because he wears his hair as a hat.
question for gb, you are forced to bust one of your TSP members relieving them of thier bankroll, who would it be? and why
IMO there should be an obvious answer
Can't stand Austin Healey..... no idea why, just makes me want to put my boot thru the screen every time he's on!!!!
And Cheryl Cole isn't much better!!!!!!!
Did someone say there was a 'spot the sausage' competition on tonight? TV GOLD!
For those who may of missed it enjoy
Good call with Piers Morgan and Jordan too, they both drive me mad. Piers is so smug and Jordan looks awful, seems to get married every week and loves herself way too much. I can't stand any of these women who seem to just be famous for being famous too.
They also only ever seem to have one facial expression that looks like a fish getting electrocuted. I'm talking about women like Victoria Beckham, Paris Hilton etc.