playing in nl 50 hu and having a good game, both started with 20 quid each. i won and they reloaded another 2o so i thought , what the eck. won that and they went another 30, ok i thought why not. won that and they went another40,. at this point i thought WHY!!! but i went again, won that. the last reload was25.40 and for the 1st time ever i thought keep your money (but i played anyway) and won that. now i feel guilty and that aint nice!!!!
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d fee guilty for about 20 mins then i got owned at nl100. ( luckily i got it back at nl50 hu)
It was their choice to gamble.
Someone else would have probably taken it anyway.
Think of yourself as an entertainer... they paid you to entertain them by playing poker with them.
I hope you never lose that feeling as it is humane. quiet frankly I find the people who genuinely say they dont care quiet creepy.
would rather have you tying my rope before I abseil of a cliff than one of them.
finaly the biggest reason imo is good old fashioned Payday, lol That delctable, invincable weekend millionaire feeling,
I raised pre on the button with KQcc and only got one caller from the BB. 18 year old kid who had ran up a £60BI to £600. I had £500 behind.
Flop was Ac 2h Tc. He donks £15 into £25, I rasie to £55, he re-raises to £140. He looks really nervous and I have the royal draw so I decide to just ship it in. He tanks for 10 minutes and eventually calls with ATo. Turn Q. River Q.
He looked like he wanted to cry. And he was proper shaking too.
5 minutes later I pick up AA when he has KK and get his last £100 or so. A friend of mine overheard him in the smoking area talking to his mate first of all saying that he now had £10 to last for the next 2 weeks then begging his mate for £100 so he could rebuy back in and bust all the fish LOLOLOL.
We do have our moments when our backs are against the wall though.
comparing real live with playing poker degenerates online hmm..... ie they so co-exist. No one gives a crapp about each other in the real world why start caring about a poker player that could be better off than you......
LOL thats the reason its ott, not being moral in the sence that by not feeling pity for the player you owned in a virtual world is sad.........then im sad. This doesnt show what kind of person i am!! and because i show no empathy in a virtual world doesnt mean im imoral and nasty in the real world .....
But in the interests of keeping a balance between serious issues and light heated ones, your breath stinks
technologicly detached speaking lol
As I said And you said In your imediate world and surroundings you are a perfectly nice chap but outside your field of view the real world still exists,
Im sure im real, well The last time I checked I was.
I play poker because it makes me happy and gets my heart beatin, i would not play online it if it made me feel bad for every win i got,... a simple UL or GG is all you can do no need to dwell on it! ind im sure ur not ...