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After losing a quarter of my stack v.early I ran AA against KK AIPF - I hit A on flop and quaded up on river - run betterPosted by SoLack
Great tourney this, let's make it 50+ runners.
43 to go
BIGSHANN5000 BozUK5000 EBBERDON5000 SHY-BOY5000 sidsmith015000 SoLack5000 TommyD5000
More needed
BIGSHANN5000 BozUK5000 EBBERDON5000 goldenb2385000 phil12uk5000 SHY-BOY5000 sidsmith015000 SoLack5000 TommyD5000 Uzi_lover5000
One Minute Left!!
£740 prie pool
BigFish525000 BIGSHANN5000 BozUK5000 corbett045000 CoxyLboro5000 duTz5000 e-m85000 EBBERDON5000 FINGERS105000 FlashFlush5000 FLATCAPBIL5000 glyndwr7165000 goldenb2385000 hammerdave5000 HITMAN_RV5000 iHunt5000 LeahC5000 lee1005000 mickjenn15000 minty115000 paul105000 pealead5000 phil12uk5000 raffles655000 rocky625000 shawsok5000 SHY-BOY5000 Sicboi6665000 sidsmith015000 sikas5000 SoLack5000 spitfire105000 tallboy5000 tempusfuge5000 TheOAP5000 TommyD5000 Uzi_lover5000
1st£296 + 30 League Points2nd£185 + 26 League Points3rd£111 + 18 League Points4th£81.40 + 12 League Points5th£66.60 + 6 League Points