I remember watching Sky Sports last year and seeing a poker show sponsored by a reputable poker site. The format was a sit n go filled with 9 amateur players who had satellited in. I was wondering if there was any scope for doing something similar on 865? You could run satellites for a couple of months and then get the 9 qualifiers to come into the studio for a live show, or just make a 1 hour highlights show. You could also show it on sky sports 4. Is there any scope for this or am I being dillusional this morning?
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It's quite an interesting concept Mr W, though Studio constraints mean it could deffo not be a 9 Seater. If you think about a 9 seater Table, & the need for the cameras to be able to get a full-on view of all 9, plus GV's, overhead shots, etc, it's technically something that would be pretty tough within a standard studio. But the bones of the idea are excellent, & I'll pass it on to Mother. Thanks.
PS - No, it was not "dillusional". Or even Delusional......
PS - MOST unlike you to Post with a spelling error!
I do not "pick people up" on bad spelling, but it stuck out like a sore thumb, as your Posts are always so well presented. These things are noticed!
s/crew you im doing a lucy and leaving......... or not!
free publicity for them and loads of room.
The satellites could go on for 10 weeks prior, where-by we have a final £110 satellie every Sunday with the winner progressing to the final table and the other top 10% of the field winning cash. Obviously there would need to be a cap on the number of players in these satellites so that 2nd place could not be worth more that £1000.
Quick update.
There is a Meet scheduled for this Friday to discuss a number of 865 based new initiatives, & this one is amongst those on the Agenda.
If it happened......it would, for technical reasons, be a SIX Seater.
As to using DTD's hole card facility - no need. We have that, & better - much better - as part of "something new" which is being installed in the Studio within the next few weeks. I can't take questions on that right now, but more news soon.