i played in the vegas final last year didnt win

i played quarter final last week and won it got to the semi and failed misserably. So played another 2.40 qualifier and won that today. Got through to the quarter tonight and won that so i have another shot in the semi for the second time on sunday. please please please poker gods let me go to vegas i wanna get married in the little chapel, i have the ring and everything just need the setting to ask her now and vegas would be nice. Really gonna give it my best shot this year been dreaming of it but dont wanna dream anymore its got to be reality. So glad sky have put on these tornys and so early as well good on ya much better than on other sites. Wish me luck
Is it me or am i the only one excited about the vegas tornys havnt seen any chatter about it or discussions! Maybe its too early days but i am impatient. I WANNA GO NOW
Good Luck to you Dazzler