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What advice could you give regarding level of playing, - i am not in it to make a living but just like to see a decent return where possible
In live play at a local casino i usuall sit down with £100 once or twice a month and have made a very good profit over last several months. i consider myself to be at best a average player and by no means see myself as good.
On here i have decided to risk a deposit upto max £100 per month - in keeping with good back roll management i have been playing the 4p - 8p cash tables allowing for around 14 buy-ins. however i cant seem to make any sort of profit and am just above even after countless hours of playing, i am basically finding that i am coming up against massive amounts of bad beats and out draws where they are far from priced into call even though they do and typically where players just dont seem to want to lay down there hand regardless of good correct sized betting and then get lucky more times than my cards seem to hold given the odds so my question is -
Would i potentially do better (or see a lot less air calling and hoping for luck) if i where to use my monthly bankroll of £100 and buy into 10p-20p cash games giving me only 5 buyins but by playing players with a better knowledge of the game and where constant calling in hope is a lot more expensive. Guessing less constant calling equalling lower percentage of overall bad beats and out draws?
I have been told by fellow players in the casino that low limit tables result in a higher percentage of calling with nothing which then equals a higher percentage of bad beats
Would love a definitive answer to this before i end up having to use what little winnings i have achived to replace my monitor after i put my fist through it lol
but maybe you should think about being a short stack specialist ? instead of playing with the max buy in only buy in for a portion of the table max.
ie 10/20p means that 20 pounds is the max buy in, maybe only post 8 pounds so if you get a bad variance then you only lose 8% of your bankroll rather than 20%.
i can barely do forward rolls how do you do back rolls?
but srsly just play tight solid poker and value bet your hands relentlessly and you will power through the variance and win monies. if you were to do the same strategy at 10p/20p it would work the same and yes you would make more money, but the chance of you going broke is alot higher.
regarding playing with a short stack, that in itself will lead to higher variance anyway
"these players are so bad i cant beat them... i know, il move up to a higher stake where the players are BETTER, that way i will win more money!"
no, just no.
Please see the reply I gave to your same question in the "Ask tikay" thread.
8nl is easy to win, just bet well with made hands/strong hands.
Yes you will get outdrawn every now and then, but if you keep getting your money in good you will make a profit over time, I have....................
8nl is easy to win, just bet well with made hands/strong hands.
Yes you will get outdrawn every now and then, but if you keep getting your money in good you will make a profit over time, I have....................
Like my orginal post said a couple of guys from my local casino have said to me its to do with lower limits always equal more wild calls which equal a increase chance of outdraws so am looking for additional opnions from anyone who has maybe played a period of time at 4p-8p then progreesed upto 5p-10p then 10p-20p and even above to see if they have found if this is the case or are they still getting the same amount regardless of the level being played at?
You may be doing things wrong that you can't see?
You will get some great advice from some very good players on here.
It has helped my game so much over the last year.
Every level you play at one player has to be ahead and one player behind (disregarding draws). OK so say you decide to move up, two things can happen:
1. You are better than the competition and get your money in good more than you get it in bad... you will still get the same amount of bad beats (disregarding variance).
2. The higher up the stakes you go, the better the players will be in general. So as there is a greater number of good players, you will more likely be regarded as a bad player and therefore will be getting your money in bad more than you get it in good. As a result you will receive less bad beats and dish out more bad beats. This will result in you losing more money than if you stayed at 8nl.
Maybe you are just running bad, maybe you are not charging enough for people to draw?
Post some hands in the poker clinic to get feedback.
Ride out the variance, don't get tilted and good luck!
The simple way to combat calling at the lower levels is to increase your raise sizes, at 4p/8p make your initial raise size 5x bb and if you still get too many callers increase it and keep on doing so until you get the number of callers you require, if these guys will call 80p pf charge them 80p, why let them see a flop for less. If your reraising make your reraises bigger too, if they will call a £3 rr pf charge them £3. Play quality hands and don't be afraid to raise big and if you believe your ahead post flop bet strong at every opportunity.
Build your roll and then move up.
Maybe the average ability of players at Sky Poker is a bit higher than your opponents at your local casino. I don't play cash, but when I had my first live experience at the G Casino Blackpool a few months ago I was shocked at how bad some of the live cash/tournament players were. Also you will be able to play many more hands here so you will naturally see more bad beats here, for the same reasaon your live casino results are actually more likely to be affected by variance than your online results, it could just be that you've been running better there than you've been running here.
I would still appreciate some more view if anyone else has anything they can add differently to whats been said in previous posts
Will def post some future hands in the clinic for anaylis just in case i may be playing some incorrectly which is contributing to my ourdraw and badbeat problem.
Below however is the hand that caused me to ask this question in the first place (it was 6th-7th time this had happened within a hour - hence the reason i posted)
Cash 4p-8p, I had AA and down to around £1.90 there where two limps before me including the villan (who had around £1.75) i raised to 32p (knowing that my previous raises to 24p where being called all to oftern)
flop come 6,7,9 (cant remember the suits) i shove due from fear of being beat by 2 pair or trips etc come the river.
Villan called - his hold cards where a unbelivable 8 5 off, obvioustly he was right to call by then but if he was prepared to call 5xbb raise pre with 8 5 off
This was by far the worse of the 6-7 times it happened to me that afternoon but the paton of call with anything and hit everything seem to be paying everyone off over and over again
In Response to Re: What cash levels are best to play at:
- Top up to 100BBs- Raise more pre, 3 to 4xBB + 1BB is decent rule of thumb
- 32p is a 4xBB raise not a 5xBB raise
- You want to be betting to either make better hands fold or to make worse hands call, not because you are scared of being outdrawn.