Male, London About Me: Sky Poker presenter/Laughing stock of the whole site How long have you been playing poker?: Long enough to realise I am no good Your best poker moment?: N/A One piece of poker advice?: Always squeeze unopened (s)pots!
RichOrford Profile; transexual from spotville About Me: the joker in the pack How long have you been playing poker?: what`s poker thought it was bingo Your best poker moment?: shoutin house One piece of advice?: use clearasel to aviod volcano`s on forehead one piece of poker advice?: if you get knocked out say your really richard bacon Posted by spornybol
About Me: Sky Pokers' Spotted D!ck (Bald and Zit).
How long have you been playing poker?: About 10 mins, I'm out already.
Your best poker moment?: Hosting with Tikay and spotting the, infamous, 4 card straight before him! BOOM! + Coming second in every bet with Ed. Not so BOOM...
One piece of poker advice?: Ask Tikay, he's the expert.
I lolled at the "Male Hen" reference, but can't give the author a prize as he's a friend, & I'll get moaned at. I am dying for someone to ask for the "Male Hen" reference to be explained, though.......
RichOrford Profile Male Hen, London About Me: Going through adolescence. How long have you been playing poker?: Since I lost my sausage. Your best poker moment?: Playing SPT Newcastle in 2011. One piece of poker advice?: Don't get your hand stuck in the desk. Posted by Machka
Indifferent, Wherever About Me: Like taxi's, forget cars... Wear Jumpers.. Mostly Blue.. As are my jokes about Tikays Pjs.. Known for my spotted sausage (It's cleared up now) How long have you been playing poker?:What technically or.. you know.. In my mind? Your best poker moment?: My BEST poker monent? Oh I don't know.. I mean there have been so many.. like when I erm.. er... Well this was this one time that I.. when I.. . This one time.. I... erm. Uh. Where did I leave my car... One piece of poker advice?: Don't go sticking your entire hand into strange holes. Especially if you are filming it.
RichOrford Profile; Indifferent, Wherever About Me: Like taxi's, forget cars... Wear Jumpers.. Mostly Blue.. As are my jokes about Tikays Pjs.. Known for my spotted sausage (It's cleared up now) How long have you been playing poker?: What technically or.. you know.. In my mind? Your best poker moment?: My BEST poker monent? Oh I don't know.. I mean there have been so many.. like when I erm.. er... Well this was this one time that I.. when I.. . This one time.. I... erm. Uh. Where did I leave my car... One piece of poker advice?: Don't go sticking your entire hand into strange holes. Especially if you are filming it. Posted by Lisa_Marie
Well, I know who I'LL be suggesting is the next presenter to have their profile re-written...
In Response to Re: Forum Fun Comp - Orford Profile! : Well, I know who I'LL be suggesting is the next presenter to have their profile re-written... Posted by RICHORFORD
About Me: I hate Trains but actually there easier to find than my car (Just Follow the Tracks Innit!!!)
How long have you been playing poker?: Since I had my first flush - I think that was behind the bikesheds when I was at school.
Your best poker moment?: Errrrrr - Wheres my car?
One piece of poker advice?: If I could give you one peice of poker advice it would be - "Go to the "Ask Tikay" Thread in general poker chat or visit the Poker Clinic, I learnt everything I know from there.
LOL at "Male Hen" Aaron!
Age: Considerably younger that TK
About Me: Enjoys naked sauna-room's in the gym.....FUUUUUUU ROWING MACHINES
How long have you been playing poker?: Well, I started with Snap and moved up the levels...
Your best poker moment?: Being Tony Kendall's understudy on the live show's, man, my mentor!!
One piece of poker advice?: DO NOT SHOVE AQ v AJ...TILT FOR LIFE!!!!!!..but i'm over it now obv.
Richorford profile--
male, London
About me--- I made my name doing Commercials for Clearasil
How long have you been playing poker?--- 5 mins in between breaks
Your best poker moment--- Finally being accepted as the new Apprentice Tea Boy for TSP Team
One piece of poker advice? --- Always have a Copy of my book "Orfords Poker Strategy Guide" at hand when playing online
Male, London
About Me: Sky Poker presenter/Laughing stock of the whole site
How long have you been playing poker?: Long enough to realise I am no good
Your best poker moment?: N/A
One piece of poker advice?: Always squeeze unopened (s)pots!
Male, (Tikays' FLUNKY), The car park.
About Me: Sky Pokers' Spotted D!ck (Bald and Zit).
How long have you been playing poker?: About 10 mins, I'm out already.
One piece of poker advice?: Ask Tikay, he's the expert.
Need more entries, please!
I lolled at the "Male Hen" reference, but can't give the author a prize as he's a friend, & I'll get moaned at. I am dying for someone to ask for the "Male Hen" reference to be explained, though.......
Male, London
About Me: Handsome(when its dark or im far away), One Black eye
How long have you been playing poker?: Since my divorce from Gabby Roslin (who also has custody of the kids Zig an Zag)
Your best poker moment?: Getting to a final table (railing Tikay)
Indifferent, Wherever
About Me:
Like taxi's, forget cars... Wear Jumpers.. Mostly Blue.. As are my jokes about Tikays Pjs.. Known for my spotted sausage (It's cleared up now)
How long have you been playing poker?: What technically or.. you know.. In my mind?
Your best poker moment?: My BEST poker monent? Oh I don't know.. I mean there have been so many.. like when I erm.. er... Well this was this one time that I.. when I.. . This one time.. I... erm. Uh. Where did I leave my car...
One piece of poker advice?: Don't go sticking your entire hand into strange holes. Especially if you are filming it.
Male, Cross dresser, Bangkok
About Me: 6ft2" Blue eyes, Body builder (well mannequins away)
How long have you been playing poker?: Since i grow out of my nappy (yesterday)
One piece of poker advice: Trust me ladies when i'm all in its all i'v got.
Male: Nobody Ever Sends Me Any mail
About Me: I hate Trains but actually there easier to find than my car (Just Follow the Tracks Innit!!!)
How long have you been playing poker?: Since I had my first flush - I think that was behind the bikesheds when I was at school.
One piece of poker advice?: If I could give you one peice of poker advice it would be - "Go to the "Ask Tikay" Thread in general poker chat or visit the Poker Clinic, I learnt everything I know from there.
Male, i think / from - big breakfast
About Me:spot the chipalata expert
How long have you been playing poker?: thought it was tiddly winks
One piece of poker advice?: do it while sober